Welp, i got GOT! Karma is a B-word

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Out West G? Yeeeeeaaaaaa I expect that

*50 Cent* It Aint Good To Do Good In Front Of *Censored* In The Hood *50 Cent*

aint that the truth this just reminds me that chicago is stillchicago
got to stay on yo toes
Originally Posted by TheHavik


Went to the restaurant at around 5:30
Got back at like 6.
While i was in the house eating, they got me

When i get outside to run to my girl crib at around 7:30ish, Im like "Dude, wheres my radio?"
Then i go from

at the fact that they Lifted me in broad daylight
at the irony
at the fact that thats over a $2500 gone
and finally
at the fact that i got Licked.

So i call my girl and she starts dying laughing. She goes, "Well aint you a sonofabitch. You the last person that should be getting mad at somebody stealing your stuff."
Back in HS that was my job, thieving. Now i done did more than my fair share of dirt, but how they steal the only audio equipment i legitimately acquired. I made it a point to never put stolen items in my car. I thought i had made peace with the past but it keeps biting me in the $*%.
They yoinked my tv radio, my subs (4 12s and 2 hifonics amps.), jumper cables, my little switchblade, tool kit, hydraulic jack, extra bolts, my sorta broke digital cam, alley keys, wiring kit, cologne and condoms
, and my safety $50 dollars that i keep in my sunglasses compartment. They completely trashed my whip.

Im so sick right now. I dont have any suspects really. All i know is that it had to be more than one dude. That speaker box was heavy as hell.
Im dont plan on replacing none of it except my tools and radio. No more bangs for me.
And what really freaked me out was the fact that they got in without breaking windows or sounding the alarm. I know my doors was locked cuz i locked my friend in twice out of habit. When my feet touch ground i automatically lock my doors. Its all one
Karma, youre a female dog. I hate you
. I said sorry for all the bad ive done and havent did anything else morally corrupt. Typical female. Cant ever let go of stuff.
Pics that i took later after i calmed down

we know what they up to
OUCH! thats a hit. I know exactly what your talking about hahaha HS use to be funn i too learned the hard way
and there really isnt anything funny about stealing
but every time i gotjacked i would be like well thats what i get for
blah blah blah...instead of why did this happend to mee im a good guy?!?!

but the past is the past and all is forgiven. i learned my lesson so well i aint even thought of stealing for years now.
yup karma has no time frame... u might think uve made peace wit ur past... butr nah...that usually aint the case...
definitely one of the worst feelings I ever felt was having my car stolen from in front of the crib...and it wasnt even a nice car. They took the whole car! Iactually got it back which kinda sucks cause they trashed it. They smoked like 6 cartons of cheap cigarettes in there...they'd been stealin peoples mailcause all types of junk mail was all over the inside...anything they could take, they took...tapes, cd's...shoes, basketballs......everything.

1 other time I got robbed for my cd player, and my girls camera...that sucked too, but the whole car gettin taken was the worst. I came out in the morning togo to work and didnt see my car...thought I had parked somewhere else(I never do though) Thought it may have rolled down the hill cause the E barke wasnton...no...the whip was GONE! It took me like 10 minutes to even accept it. I was walkin around my neighborhood searchin like I blacked out the night before andjust left it. I was so hurt. after I got it back and fixed, it was never the same. Thats the most violated I've ever felt
Originally Posted by Kobeeh

you drive a rental car?
I was thinking the same thing whn I seen the dash. Damn whattype of whip you thorw taht much doe in and the dash is looking like a KIA
Well its all good, since your good at theft you might as well go and steal from someone else. Or just go buy some new stuff.
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