Were your Fire Reds pre-creased?

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Aug 3, 2012
I went to get them and they had some creasing on both of the toe boxes and they had some creases on the sides of them.

There was also a stain one of the shoe's netting, any way to get that out? I tried to take it off with water but it didn't work.

Did an employee maybe train them on? Or is the quality of the shoe really that bad?

Here are some pictures of mine
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Should've used the current thread for this.
Pretty sure a lot did tho.:D
if you don't like it, return it then. We all know about the crappy quality of jb these days..No need to create a thread about damn creases
lol funny thing is i barely see anything wrong in those pics smh, some of yall just nit picking
Did you really need to create your own thread for this. I normally don't say anything to anybody, but this thread for the same shoe that is currently being spoken about is totally unnecessary. You should've used the current and official fire red thread instead. This topic doesn't deserve it's own thread.

I seriously hope that the Mod's lock this thread.
Havnt gotten mine in yet but my military 4s came looking like someone walked all day in only the right shoe... wasnt too happy about it so we will see when i get mine in the mail
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