What’s it like to work at stockX? I quit after 1 day

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Bruh keep it a buck.

You live off your baby momma.

You "help out" with bills and rent but ol girl wears the pants.

You're not taking a long sabbatical, you a 34 year old man who's basically using his own child as a means to put a roof over his head. :lol:

Gotdayum :wow: :rofl:
What’s an acceptable situation to cry? Death in the family?

I can’t imagine you working my job. You’d really cry.

I was trying to ensure the company I work for doesn’t default on $300mm of debt and we were two days away from the debt coming due without money to pay it off. Thats pressure. You were checking to make sure sneakers were real homie.

It's all relative

They wouldn't know if they aren't exposed to anything better. To them, it's probably a blessing when they compare it to other options

sort of like the concept of money and capitalism we were born into that a ***** just upped and made up one day
It was one day that showed me what I’d be doing for 50+ hours a week. Thus, the tears.

50+ hours a week @ 18 per hour? wit overtime? to smell shoes all day? know highschoolers that would've fapped at da thought of fondling yeezys all day >D
I can’t imagine you working my job. You’d really cry.

I was trying to ensure the company I work for doesn’t default on $300mm of debt and we were two days away from the debt coming due without money to pay it off. Thats pressure. You were checking to make sure sneakers were real homie.


Different type of pressure but it's no more taxing than the physical stuff OP had to endure.
Dying at "brutal 1st day" like he actually had a brutal 1st day on the job..:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: ..And he's proud of how he left cause he didn't quit half way through the day..:smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:..

Do your parents know they did a really bad job raising their child?..Are they embarrassed by you at all?..My mom would've punched me in the face if I'd told her I quit a decent/good paying job after 1 day cause it was "brutal"..

Old man talking. If op wasn’t happy first day on the job good for him quitting. Mental health comes first. A ****** job makes you a miserable person.
Listen, Idk know about you op but 18/hr with guaranteed overtime is not that bad, especially with how easy you made it sound.

I currrenty work at a Pepsi warehouse in central pa making 21 an hour with unlimited overtime, before taxes I’m making 72k-75k a year.

When I first started I thought the same thing as you about my job, that it was brutal, didn’t have enough training and the hours were long, but not I’m 9 months in and have saved up 22k and been able to pay all of my bills and then some.

Just saying you prolly shoulda stuck with it for a lil longer just to see how things really were and to see if you could find your groove.

From the sound of it all you had to do was the bear mim at least til you had another job lined up, and also warehouse jobs arn’t career type jobs, they’re get in and get out type jobs. No longer then 5 years max
j rain j rain What kind of training did they give you to do legit checks? Or did you just have to convince them that you knew how to do it?
Listen, Idk know about you op but 18/hr with guaranteed overtime is not that bad, especially with how easy you made it sound.

I currrenty work at a Pepsi warehouse in central pa making 21 an hour with unlimited overtime, before taxes I’m making 72k-75k a year.

When I first started I thought the same thing as you about my job, that it was brutal, didn’t have enough training and the hours were long, but not I’m 9 months in and have saved up 22k and been able to pay all of my bills and then some.

Just saying you prolly shoulda stuck with it for a lil longer just to see how things really were and to see if you could find your groove.

From the sound of it all you had to do was the bear mim at least til you had another job lined up, and also warehouse jobs arn’t career type jobs, they’re get in and get out type jobs. No longer then 5 years max

You only making 21 hr but are grossing 72-75k a year? That's a whole lot of damn OT you be working.
You only making 21 hr but are grossing 72-75k a year? That's a whole lot of damn OT you be working.
My work week is Sunday to Thursday 3:30pm-to finish, just off my regular work week with not coming extra days days I get about 55 to 60 hours and I go overtime on the overtime.

I work about anywhere from 60 to 80 hours a week, just stacking, the more I stay at work the less I spend and the fatter my bank account gets
My work week is Sunday to Thursday 3:30pm-to finish, just off my regular work week with not coming extra days days I get about 55 to 60 hours and I go overtime on the overtime.

I work about anywhere from 60 to 80 hours a week, just stacking, the more I stay at work the less I spend and the fatter my bank account gets

That's a lot hrs man. But hey, if it works for ya, why not.
My work week is Sunday to Thursday 3:30pm-to finish, just off my regular work week with not coming extra days days I get about 55 to 60 hours and I go overtime on the overtime.

I work about anywhere from 60 to 80 hours a week, just stacking, the more I stay at work the less I spend and the fatter my bank account gets

how do you make money from that? like how did things pick up

asking bc i make beats too, recently lost all my 2018 work and looking for some direction.
Well once I had more time from not having a regular job I started getting/taking more dj gigs. Plus my manager is a platinum writer/producer I had already been putting in work with, so that helps with me getting placements and selling beats on the industry side.
This thread has gone south. I should’ve left the crying part out of the story. I thought it would give you guys some perspective on how depressing the situation was.

Yes definitely

Though I know how it feels to have one of those days where you just wanna say "**** it"
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