What’s your most TRASH move as a human?

He’s the worst, but this was the best story. I didn’t think I’d read that long a$s ****. Proper punctuation usage as well. :lol:
Damn you're kinda too old for that reckless young boy ****

I was broke and depressed and I couldn’t make her happy. You say it’s too old for the reckless young boy **** but it’s wayyyy too old to be on some broke ***** ****. Losing my gig was devastating...She was doing everything to help me out my rut but I was using her as a crutch. Not excusing my behavior but I definitely wasn’t in my right mind. I was smoking soooo much weed tryna escape my reality bro.
While he had her by the throat.

Aint that foreplay?

:lol: :smh:

She only said okay, to set the bait.
Hence, why I dont consider that attempted rape.
He’s the worst, but this was the best story. I didn’t think I’d read that long a$s ****. Proper punctuation usage as well. :lol:
Its funny cuz his first story was mad tame :lol: I was like that aint ****.

Forgot all about that by the 2nd story.
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Smash a chick to oblivion while her boyfriend was calling her to check up on her. Dude asking her if she ate. Yea she was eating my D and gargling my kids alright

This was me from 18-22. Used to smash this chick and drop her off at her boyfriends (who I worked with). Smashed her in their bed when I knew he was at work.

One time I was dropping her off and she goes “oh **** don’t even talk to him just drive away please.” And he had gotten off work early and was walking up to my car window.

He yelled some **** at her and then came up to my window and had tears in his eyes and just said “why?” Over and over.

I just shrugged and dipped but I never felt bad. Guess that was a trash move but I felt it was justified cause he was a pretty despicable person and I was young and dumb.
Some of you are insane.

Anyway I don’t really have anything too crazy, but recently at the Astroworld tour, some kid kept trying to crowd surf and kept kicking me in the head while attempting so eventually when he was crowd surfing and got near me I made sure my to do my best for him to fall, looked like he fell hard too.
In high school I told a kid to go to hell with his dead dad

I apologized later that day but I still think about it a lot

My mom has a daycare downstairs at my house and throughout my life I’d help my mom out

One time I picked up this little boy by his arms/wrist and started to spin around in a circle..he started crying so I put him down and he walked away so I just went upstairs to my room or whatever.. The next day he came in with a cast on his arm and I was like :nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd: I was like 10 so I never said anything to my mom but I felt soooo bad

I actually haven’t thought about that in forever :lol: :lol: he is probably like 18 years old by now which is crazy

:rofl: hahahahahaahhaaha
some stuff should just be kept to urself
dont snitch on urself
to a bunch of strangers

the stuff is SUPER light
but no need to try outdo anyone in the thread

-I grabbed a quarter from the ***** I buy weed from. Got home and put it on the skizzy, that **** weighed up like 6.4 or something. Stopped buying weed from the ***** and start hitting his *****. She started bringing me weed out his stash (some of it was shake though ain’t gone lie) but we would blow heavy before she ate my whole **** up

-I lost my job and car in a matter of months and my girl starting switching up on me because she was getting tired of paying the bills and me joyriding in her whip while she was at work all day. Looking back on this ****, she was absolutely right for everything because she did EVERYTHING for me. One of her old jobs she took 6 bands on her last day and gave me all of it....I lost most of that **** at the casino and buying weed. That’s not even including our cash app transactions


One night , we get in an argument and I tell her I need to leave and take her whip. I tell her I’m going to pick up my daughter but I really was just trying to get away from her. She tell me to come RIGHT back. I dipped off to one of my homeboys crib and we get a smoke session going. After about an hour, my girl start blowing my phone up back to back to back. I ignored it. **** was getting so bad I cut my phone off. I stay and smoke with my boy for about another hour then I leave and start to head back towards the crib. I get about 10 mins away from the crib and the onstar **** start ringing on her car. I’m like wtf she don’t even have this **** activated....the operator say my name clear as day and say it’s an officer on the line that wants to talk to me. My girl had called the cops on me and they was at the apartment waiting on me. I was in total disbelief. I stashed the weed I had in a spot inside of the complex and head to our apartment where I see two cops sitting waiting for me. They took her keys and told me to start walking and if I came back that night they was gone book me. Blood I walked to some random *** bus stop near my complex and just sat there in a daze for a minute. Some old homeless drunk ***** came in and sat down next to me and was talking to me for a minute and while he was talking, all I was thinking was I would NEVER be put out somewhere with nowhere to go or no way to get there again. I call my girl back like 30 mins later and tell her I’m coming back. She said alright but tried to make me sleep on the couch but I didn’t.

The next week, she gave me the rent money like 2400 and instead of paying the rent with it, I went and bought a shooter and didn’t tell her ****. The relationship was dead at that point and I didn’t care. I was literally going to let her come home one day to an eviction notice or all her stuff out on the grass but she found out about it because my mom called and asked her something about the car I just bought assuming she knew....Needless to say, she went crazy but it wasn’t nothing she could do at that point. She had to bang it out on her Mom couch for a week or two until she landed back on her feet and I asked my big bro if I could stay with him for a min until I found a new gig. Me and her stayed there together for another month and on the last day after we had moved most of our **** out. She about to get in the shower and I asked her if we could just **** one more time...She said no, she was on her period. I’m like alright what about some head? She said No and said it with an attitude. I got upset and grabbed her up by the neck. She like OKAY, Okay pull it out. I pulled my **** out, this ***** run out the apartment butt *** naked screaming “He TRYING TO RAPE ME!!!!” I run out after her trying to get her back in, ***** she dripping blood in the hallway and ****. One of our older neighbors who we saw all the time was in the hall at the time and he like what’s going on. Soon as that happened, I just went back in the apartment, grabbed the lil bit of my **** and left. I took her phone and put it in the mailbox so she wouldn’t call the cops but when I left, she went to the police station and filed a police report. Found out a while later I had a warrant.

I get to my brother crib and move my **** in. My older cousin stayed there with him too, he just had moved back up here from Florida. **** was all good for a couple weeks but somewhere along the way, cuzzo stopped feeling me being there. ***** start doing a lot of passive aggressive **** just to **** with me. So one morning, I’m doing a virtual interview/test on my laptop for a job with my headphones on, and this ***** get up and start blasting the stereo. I get up and turn it off like bro you see me doing something, play that on your phone or something. Dude instantly run to the kitchen and grab a knife and start threatening me. I grabbed that ***** up and start choking the **** out his *** so he drop the knife which he does and i’m still choking this *****. My brother come break that **** up. Cuz grabbed my laptop I was working on and flung that ***** across the room and run outside making a big *** scene in the neighborhood, yelling at the top of his lungs calling me broke and ****, talking about I wouldn’t have **** if it wasn’t for my ex, etc. He outside kicking my whip and slashed one of the tires. I’m like whatever, I let that ***** do his thang because all I cared about in that moment was trying to finish my virtual interview/test. So I finish up after a while and cuzzo has at that point left and walked down to one of the neighbors house to cool off I guess. He came back a couple hours later but was sitting in his whip in the driveway. When I see him come back, I walk outside to the whip and tell him to pay me for all the damage he did to my whip and my laptop. He rolled his window up on me. I bang on his window once, then again....then I kicked his window out and that ***** shattered. I’m tryna grab the ***** up out the whip by his legs but he kicking like crazy and his kicking made me fall. ***** hop out the whip with a tire iron and I ran. I ran in the crib, this ***** walked straight to my whip and take my back window out with the tire iron....I seen that **** and blacked out. ***** do you know what I went thru just to get that ****ing shooter? I ran out that door and beat the living **** out that *****. My brother had to pull me off that ***** and when he seen the damage he acted like he was scared talking about “man what you do?” like he thought I killed the ***** or sumn. He said he thought I beat him with the tire iron but it was all hands and feet. ***** had to go to ER and get stitched up and I damn near broke his ribs.


I leave my brother crib and get a room for the night just to get some peace. I come back the next day and soon as I get there, cuzzo lock the door so I can’t get in and call the police. Mind you, he knows I got the warrant from the incident with my girl and he had slashed my tire the day before and I don’t have time to change it. I try to put some air in and that ***** not going up at all, so something just tell me to **** NOW. I start the car and drive it straight riding on the rim. By the time I make it to the corner, I hop out to see how bad the tire look.
As soon as I hop out, 4 police trucks fly past me on the corner and are headed to my bro crib. I watched them pass, hopped back in the whip and straight gunned that ***** to the nearest tire shop and had them put me on a new one. I stayed away from there for a few days and posted up at my BM crib until **** died down.

Moral of the story, never fall off..I’m just now getting all of that **** taken care of and getting back in the black where i’m supposed to be.
Sh*t I do have one that's genuinely trash that bothers me whenever I think about it. In middle school this cripple kid (muscular dystrophy i think) was being a **** to me, so I looked him dead in the eye and told him to "stand up." I immediately felt terrible after I said it, and to make it even worse was that out of the times that class choose to not be loud it was when I that crap. :lol:. All I saw was cringing & sounds of disappointment. No one yelled or berated me just a room full SMH vibes.

So what did I do about the reaction I garnered??? I doubled the hell down on what I said b/c I am wild rebellious and despite being fully aware of this my subconscious ain't stronger than my personality. Ya boy said "**** it" and I followed that oh so terrible "stand up" with a "oh yeah, u can't."
I was broke and depressed and I couldn’t make her happy. You say it’s too old for the reckless young boy **** but it’s wayyyy too old to be on some broke ***** ****. Losing my gig was devastating...She was doing everything to help me out my rut but I was using her as a crutch. Not excusing my behavior but I definitely wasn’t in my right mind. I was smoking soooo much weed tryna escape my reality bro.

You were making wild dumbass decisions but I've been here so i get it, awful place for a man to be, jobless and depressed. Like if it goes on too long it all falls apart.
A bunch of credit card related stuff when I was younger. My dumb *** ordered a bunch of oversized Mitchell and ness jerseys and Jordan retros from 2003-04.

Stole about 10k worth of merchandise from a job I worked at during those same years. It was a smaller company which is why I felt bad about it. The entire store lost their jobs when they found out I was doing what I was doing for months.

Got some dude who was talking to my sons mother robbed, jumped and beat pretty badly. He got kicked in the head a bunch of times. Could’ve ended up doing crazy time over an avoidable situation.

He made some slick remarks about me, but the reaction didn’t justify it. I should’ve just cut her off instead. Oh well. When you’re in your early 20’s, pride and ego get you in some crazy situations.
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