What advice would you give to the teenagers of today?

Originally Posted by Kramer

Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Originally Posted by Kramer

Unless your tryin to get into Harvard dont stress too much about high school
Wait until you're at least 18 before smoking/drinking
Do awesome stuff while you still can

What? Thats like saying don't even try and play basketball if you're not gonna make it to the league.

Not really.. That just means don't make it your life goal to get straight As cuz chances are you'll still get into a college and get the same degree as everyone else. Unless you're goin to harvard then you'll want to get straight As
What? That is terrible advice. Not all colleges are built the same. 
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Drake is not cool.

Don't go to college unless you're majoring in Engineering. At this point, it's a waste of time and money

zing. but I don't totally agree, a bachelors degree will still get you farther in life in various ways then a high school diploma. Many employers like to have an educated workforce and see that you've finished university. 
Its gets better
You are beautiful no matter what they say

To girls

Boys just wanna smash
Disregard them, acquire knowledge, acquire currency
get a job, start saving up
take every AP/IB course known to mankind if you are going into college
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Its gets better
You are beautiful no matter what they say

To girls

Boys just wanna smash
Disregard them, acquire knowledge, acquire currency
I wanna hold your hand, doe
Originally Posted by Wr

the generations before us lived totally different and stable lives. Life will be very different for teens of this generation. Make sure you are able to endure constant change.

These are very wise words.
concentrate on school and intern a lot to find out what your profession would be like, people who say school is not for them have 4 paths

2.comes from money
3.blue color jobs

A lot of high school associates I know are stuggling looking for jobs. A degree will get your resume looked at!
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Its gets better
You are beautiful no matter what they say

To girls

Boys just wanna smash
Disregard them, acquire knowledge, acquire currency
I miss us
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Drake is not cool.

Don't go to college unless you're majoring in Engineering. At this point, it's a waste of time and money

lulz @ this false knowledge .... but on the really doe... my advice is develop some good study habits.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Kramer

Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

What? Thats like saying don't even try and play basketball if you're not gonna make it to the league.

Not really.. That just means don't make it your life goal to get straight As cuz chances are you'll still get into a college and get the same degree as everyone else. Unless you're goin to harvard then you'll want to get straight As
What? That is terrible advice. Not all colleges are built the same. 
Ehh, maybe Im just wordin it wrong
- Save money. Don't get Starbucks/tons of fastfood/other things I wasted $$
- Don't smoke/drink till you're in college/18
- No girl is "too brutal"
Most well-paying jobs won't even interview you without a 4-year college degree. Going to college and graduating is one of smartest things anyone can do. Nothing wrong with being a plumber, electrician etc. but you have a higher ceiling and more opportunities with a degree IMO.
Originally Posted by lacesunlimited

concentrate on school and intern a lot to find out what your profession would be like, people who say school is not for them have 4 paths

2.comes from money
3.blue color jobs

A lot of high school associates I know are stuggling looking for jobs. A degree will get your resume looked at!

my advice would be to disregaurd this mans advice.
Never give up your athletic dreams or anything in general
Being dumb is not cool...read 2 books a month and get good grades
Once you turn 16 man the eff up..get a job and your license
It doesn't matter if u work at wacarnolds or intern at a firm...get a effin job but don't get complacent at a low paying joint
Get to know everyone in your school..be the guy everyone likes
Mess with the chicks from other schools and the girls at yours open like a book for you
If your gonna smoke or drink wait till college..
Treat ur parents/elders with respect..spend more time with them
Hang with older people maybe acouple years older than u
Don't hang with fakers and don't fake thug it yourself

For my females...buy air maxes and not Jordans lol
Keep your legs close..
Don't take anything guys say to be the truth
If he says he's a real dude with no proof he ain't
Originally Posted by thetoxic360

What advice would you give to the teenagers of today? Or imagine you were talking to a teenage version of yourself, what advice would you give?

I would give myself a list of all the top-performing stocks

Seriously though, my best advice to teenagers is to not think about yourself all the time, but others as well. The people around you can make your life great. 
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