What Animal Terrifies U the Most vol. Don't Eat Me Bro ........

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Big animals I can usually avoid. "Hey look at that tiger over there... Let's go somewhere else"

Poisonous snakes or spiders kind of freak me out because they're stealthy.

There's some raccoons that go through my apartment's dumpster at night. I feel like they're misunderstood and I want to befriend them. But I think they would turn on me one day and I can't take that chance.

Flying snakes look hilarious from those 2 vids above.

My biggest fear probably comes from a Rhino, 1000-2000 pounds or whatever with a horn running full speed at you. SCARY.
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Big animals I can usually avoid. "Hey look at that tiger over there... Let's go somewhere else"

Poisonous snakes or spiders kind of freak me out because they're stealthy.

There's some raccoons that go through my apartment's dumpster at night. I feel like they're misunderstood and I want to befriend them. But I think they would turn on me one day and I can't take that chance.


Have you ever seen that episode of monsterquest, when they were searching for giant man eating birds?? Birds with wingspans up to 20 ft...type a birds that'll eat yo kids??? Huge or small birds are scary... It's real out here!
Originally Posted by KenJi714

bird ? you soft
Originally Posted by Carnage

Originally Posted by raichu098

Flying cockroaches

This right here...

thought I was only one. I will **@$ a spider up... but roaches... I FOLLOW THRU with the stomp... and I'll be dambed if I pick it up with anything less than two feet long.
The parasitic worms that can embed themselves under your skin, live in organs, etc....Camel spiders, from when I deployed to Iraq, them @#$%s would follow you everywhere
Originally Posted by illwill8710

Spiders because those bastards will sneak up on you in any domestic setting like its cool.
But they don't do anything to you!

I'm seeing ppl post spiders for their stealthy ways like they've seen a spider in their room and when they woke up they were trapped in webbing dying from blood loss. Spiders rarely bite humans and even if they do the deadly ones are not around here like that.

C'mon son.
Originally Posted by fly23s

Scared of spider = female trait
I'm sayin'
Not scared of snakes or spiders but these things be having me like 
... Since forever... did I die in the plague in my past life?

Mouse or rat it doesn't matter
Fish. I can't go to an aquarium, swim in a lake or get in the ocean without having a complete panic attack. Spiders are a very close second. Absolutely love snakes though.
A tsetse fly.... Image your chilling, a fly lands on you, u swat it away, next week everyone is at your funeral because u never woke up....
Originally Posted by devildoc76

The parasitic worms that can embed themselves under your skin, live in organs, etc....Camel spiders, from when I deployed to Iraq, them @#$%s would follow you everywhere

Dog camel spiders somehow made there way back to camp pendleton!  But i saw some huge ones when i was in Jordan.  And to the dude who said flying snakes look hilarious, imagine when they evolve into 3 foot long flying red racers 
I just don't like the ones that look disgusting. Most of the time they're insects or strange amphibians with eggs that hatch out of their backs
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by devildoc76

The parasitic worms that can embed themselves under your skin, live in organs, etc....Camel spiders, from when I deployed to Iraq, them @#$%s would follow you everywhere

Dog camel spiders somehow made there way back to camp pendleton!  But i saw some huge ones when i was in Jordan.  And to the dude who said flying snakes look hilarious, imagine when they evolve into 3 foot long flying red racers 
I can only f$%^in imagine how them joints got Stateside. Not cool at all. Nothing worse than being on patrol and trying to focus on the task at hand and worrying about these suckas too!!!!
And them flying snakes........real s@#t!!!

Saw this on Animal Hoarders a few weeks back.......My man had over 2000+ rats (Claimed they were his friend, even named the matriarch of this infestation, Captain) and couldn't stay in his own house, he had to move in his workshop/garage building next door.

I would say i'm scared of Bee's..i run like a lil girl when one comes near me..don't want that crap to sting me..
I hate, loathe, disdain rats. Wish there was a way to get rid of all of them.
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