What are some of the most morally questionable things you have ever done?

these stories could have gone:

"chick was wylin' on me and i kicked her out the car."

"chick was wylin' on me and i stopped messin with here cause that behavior isn't acceptable to me."

"chick was wylin' on me and i grabbed her up in a bear hug."

"chick was wylin' on me and I threw her into the wall/ground."


****** had to punch chicks in the face.

I'm not a muscle dude, and if I punch a chick in the face her face would be ruined. When I push, grab up, or toss a chick, she knows my strength, and she knows what i'm actually capable of, and she knows I'm choosing not to seriously **** her up. because of that she knows not to get out of line, AND she knows i'm not a savage, so she can't come at me like i am one because i won't give her the response she's looking for.

So, yea, punching a chick in the face is the mark of a weak, lesser man.

And ya'll postin that pic forgot that I got away with it :lol:
So you aren't for women's equality?
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these stories could have gone:

"chick was wylin' on me and i kicked her out the car."

"chick was wylin' on me and i stopped messin with here cause that behavior isn't acceptable to me."

"chick was wylin' on me and i grabbed her up in a bear hug."

"chick was wylin' on me and I threw her into the wall/ground."


****** had to punch chicks in the face.

I'm not a muscle dude, and if I punch a chick in the face her face would be ruined. When I push, grab up, or toss a chick, she knows my strength, and she knows what i'm actually capable of, and she knows I'm choosing not to seriously **** her up. because of that she knows not to get out of line, AND she knows i'm not a savage, so she can't come at me like i am one because i won't give her the response she's looking for.

So, yea, punching a chick in the face is the mark of a weak, lesser man.

And ya'll postin that pic forgot that I got away with it :lol:
So you aren't for women's equality?

Another one.

Was staying at my uncle's house when I first moved to Cali and his grandson came through with the PS2 or whichever was out at the time.

Lil dude had jokes about me because I was riding a spare for a day and I'm sure he overheard his mom, my cousin, talking smack because he was saying **** a young dude most likely wouldn't even think of. On top of that, he had my little girl cousins laughing.

I let him shine on me, sucking my teeth.

Then lil man thought he could school me on Street Fighter and I broke him apart, all the time talking enough **** to get under his skin. So then lil dude brought NBA Street out not knowing that back in VA all me and my dudes used to do was burn trees and play Street. :lol:

So I ****** him up on Steet and started going OD with the **** talking, calling him soft and asking him what kind of nickname is "Scooter"? My man got that tear in his eye and shut the game down. By this time my girl cousins had switched sides and were rolling while I roasted him.

Then little man got bold and hit me with a pillow. I said oh ou wanna pillow fight like a little girl and grabbed a pillow tight and rocked him across the room. Little dude busted his lip and started crying and ran downstairs to his grandma, my aunt.

I had to move out soon after.


:lol: @Brolic Scholar :lol: something is wrong with y'all dudes man. Fighting little kids make y'all feel alpha? (It does feel good to beat a kids *** tho)

Anyways, one time when my ex was licking my balls, I had the urge to fart so I grabbed her head, cocked my butt up and pushed her head down and farted right in her mouth. I let that **** rip mad loud too.

She started gagging and I'm just laying there like a boss
Then said "What it taste like, *** (garden tool) ?"


Some stories are just legit duck tales. lol Confession threads = creativity threads. But physical violence is a -no-no, especially on woman.

I do know and have witnessed how the restaurant industry works. The whole cigarette ash falling on your food while cooking, dropped foods, etc. etc. do occurr.

Many many years ago, I was on my last week as a waiter at a small asian restaurant. One day, a group of older folks came in and I did the whole seat them thing. One of the ladies in that group was giving me a hard time all night. She wanted new spoons, cuz the one she had was plastic, she wanted new chopsticks cuz she didn't break hers evenly, etc. She was complaining about the shoyu, saying she wanted low-sodium version. She even complained about the tea not tasty enough. After the food came, she & her friends were busy eatting. Thereafter I was doing my rounds with the water-refill thing. I was refilling everyone elses' and when I got to her cup, she said the water had too much ice in it and asked me to "fix it".

I told her, I'd be right back. When I got to the back, I just got a new cup filled it with 2/3 water and started to gargle and rinse my mouth with it. I spit it back in and made sure there weren't visible back-wash particles. I then added more water and some ice to create the fresh bubble effect. When I got back, she said, "what took you so long?"
I put the water in front of her and she immediately drank from it. I was trying to hide my laugh though.

Funny thing is, they tipped me pretty good. LOLZ

Some people are too ******* rude, and deserve it. Props. :pimp:
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