What are some of your greatest fears?

Jun 27, 2003
I'd have to say being stuck in a broken elevator for days on end would have to be one of my worst.

Funny thing is I just got stuck in a broken elevator for 15 minutes by myself and I must say I was about to freak the @#%* out!! 5 minutes went by and theelevator didn't budge but I heard all the elevators next to me move and everything. I figured I could pry the doors open and find my way from there onsome John McClain type steeze. I pried open the first set of metal doors, but I was received by another set of metal doors (the entry doors into theelevator). I tried to have a go at that but they wouldn't budge, and I was afraid to try for too long because I thought the elevator might start movingagain or just suddenly drop, and poof there goes my arms. I gave up and started banging on the doors but that was to no avail. So I just stood there solemnlywaiting for imminent doom, and slowly going through all those elevator stories/videos I've seen and heard about. Like that one guy who was stuck in anelevator for like 72 hours?!?! And that one drunk doctor that stuck his head out of the elevator and the doors closed on him and it started moving, and hishead came off!
Finally, I came to my last resort, the emergency bell. I used all the button smashing skills I ever learned from dynasty warriors and went off on it for 5 minutes, and BAM some engineer came and saved the day.

-Stuck in elevator.
-Pried open first set of doors.
-Couldn't open second doors.
-Secreted a little fecal matter.
-Banged on doors.
-Rang emergency bell.
-Engineer with coat hanger to the rescue!
-Cried in his arm.
-Immediately posted on NT.

Anyone got stories?
Disappointing my Moms... not going to a good law school... not being monetarily successful in life... contracting an STD.
Originally Posted by what are you gonna do

-Stuck in elevator.
-Pried open first set of doors.
-Couldn't open second doors.
-Secreted a little fecal matter.
-Banged on doors.
-Rang emergency bell.
-Engineer with coat hanger to the rescue!
-Cried in his arm.
-Immediately posted on NT.


Good work with the spark notes. My greatest fear would have to be falling off something tall. I'm not even scared of heights, just scared of falling fromthem.
sleep pysilarisys (sp) by far

Caught one recently, i honestly thought I was passing away
slowly, feels way too real
*hell all animals who cant understand the english version of no or stop
1) Getting shot
2) Failure
3) Lil Mama's face...she look like the Joker...
4) Bees
5) Needles
7) Getting some chick I don't really care about pregnant

Ooooooh, good one...I dont know what the hell I'd do...
Serious head trauma
Ending up a failure
Breaking a bone
Injury to my eyes or testicles
Falling from a really high height
Being financially inept
Going to prison over something stupid like assaulting your boss when they deserve it
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Failure[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Not being financially successful (I'll be happy to make what my mom makes (6figs), but less than that is just
My greatest fear is outliving my child.

I cant even imagine what its like to bury a child, and I pray it never happens

I can deal with anything else God throws at me, just not that
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