What are you guys doing New Years eve?

i heard SF was about the only place in the bay area that has fire works on New Years.
Just make sure to bring a jacket. It might rain that night....but they also said it would rain today and so far, nothing.
I just chilled in Oakland at my boys house. Fell asleep at 7 in the morning. Been sleeping basically all day today.
I ended up hitting the city and it was beyond wack. I rather of stayed home and slept since I had to work the next day. First andlast time ill hit up SF on new years.
^^^^Yeah...I know New Years is known for it's drama but I saw so much random BS everywhere. There was this guy that was off his rocker and couldn't geta cab and ended up cussing at every cab driver that wouldn't give him a ride. Also saw some dude that grabbed some chicks butt and she pretty much startedswinging on homeboy along with her 2 other friends helping her out. And every corner you turn, you can hear girls just fighting with other girls cause they aretoo drunk to do anything.

But I saw the Roots this year. Was pretty fun but even some rowdy people in there too:










^^ nice pics homie. i wanted to go but i chilled with the fam the whole night.

i wanna do something similar next year
Nice pics...

Last year I went to the club in SF. Year before that I got drunk on broadway and started getting at hella females. My cuz got a BJ from some random chick(yea Iknow, dirty) on the alley next to some pizza place there.
good times.
NICE pics of the ROOTS.

I also seen them up in RENO on Friday night.

It was a great show.
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