What are your first thoughts when someone tells you "I don't drink"?

Feb 17, 2012
If you offer somebody alcohol or were to and they decline and let you know they dont drink, what are your first thoughts about that person?
My first thought is that they are battling alcoholism or somebody close to them did and they fear relapsing or becoming like said person who is an alcoholic
Well being that person, I assume that when I tell someone I don't drink they imagine that I think I am better than them/everyone.
they're boring. I use to not drink and be as fun as wild as the next person. Then i started drinking and im funner and dwilder. I didn't do it for moral reasons thought I was above the stupidity but after feeling bad that my teammates had to drink all the cups in pong i started.
Its commendable especially for those who are in college and don't drink when its a huge part of socializing and the culture overall.

I dont drink...
. Only 18 though.
You're not missing anything and alcohol isn't going anywhere.
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That they just may not like drinking, or they don't want one at the moment.

I think a better question would be, "After someone tells you they don't drink, is it necessary to pester them throughout the night about it?". I can already tell by most of the answers in here that these are the people that once you tell them you don't drink, or you've already had some, they hit you with "Ah, come on, come on, but why, but why, how come, but why??". This is equivalent to those obnoxious type of weed smokers who instead of just being chill dudes, they tend to be the "HEY!! LOOK AT ME, I SMOKED WEED BEFORE BREAKFAST, THEN AFTER BREAKFAST, THEN IN MY CAR, THEN BEFORE CLASS! YEEEEAAAAAAAAAA!"
I respect it.

It got to the point where dudes don't even hit me up on the weekends when they go out.

They already know how I get down...but alcohol just isn't for everyone.

Honestly if I could, I would go back to smoking heavy before I even get back on the bottle.
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