What are your first thoughts when someone tells you "I don't drink"?

Im currently in recovery. Spent 6 weeks in rehab. Have over 1 year sober. Do it one day at a time. Best move I ever made.
I'm that person and every time I get bombarded with questions (religion, bad experience, etc..), which is annoying.

Most people who ask start acting strange and uncomfortable when I tell them I don't drink, ever. I hate that awkward moment seconds afterwards.
First thoughts? Overly religious or recovering alcoholic. 

But there are people who just don't like to drink. It is what it is. 
im 25 and dont really drink much, i just dont like the taste of most achool, i just hate going out and someone is stupid drink so they try and force you to be stupid drink with them
I dont drink and hate when dudes ask why not or "come on just one shot" the F imma get off a shot I'm not some 16 yr old girl
I dont drink and hate when dudes ask why not or "come on just one shot" the F imma get off a shot I'm not some 16 yr old girl


I hear that all the time... "Just one shot brah, c'mon"

I'll twist a few B's up daily, but I might only drink once, maybe 2x a month...

Everyone has a reason for the things that they do, some people don't drink because of health issues, some people don't drink because of addiction... it's more safe not to assume or jump too any conclusions when someone tells you they dont sip.
I don't drink but I don't tell people I don't drink, I just say no thank you when I'm offered. This thread is exactly why, people pass judgement when they have no idea what you're about.
I assume they're boring and uptight

althougj, I didn't drink for a couple months after a few bad experiences with alcohol. I imagine that's the case for a lot of people who no longer drink.
I'd rather not drink, but if you offer I'll take it. If you offer me a second time ill decline.
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