What are your first thoughts when someone tells you "I don't drink"?

either a recovering alcoholic
training for a race/fight/big game
but mostly I think..NICE!! I found my designated driver.
If it's a female ill just say wow..

If its a dude il say DRINK IT 2 or 3 times loud.. If he doesn't il walk away and talk to someone else
That they just may not like drinking, or they don't want one at the moment.
I think a better question would be, "After someone tells you they don't drink, is it necessary to pester them throughout the night about it?". I can already tell by most of the answers in here that these are the people that once you tell them you don't drink, or you've already had some, they hit you with "Ah, come on, come on, but why, but why, how come, but why??". This is equivalent to those obnoxious type of weed smokers who instead of just being chill dudes, they tend to be the "HEY!! LOOK AT ME, I SMOKED WEED BEFORE BREAKFAST, THEN AFTER BREAKFAST, THEN IN MY CAR, THEN BEFORE CLASS! YEEEEAAAAAAAAAA!"

This.. I got one "friend" who always asks... And keeps going with it.. Dude is an *******..

I'd choose not to hang out with him. But he's part of everyone's inner circle
That you just got a dui, which is usually the case. And then if I hang out with that person later down the road they are drinking like crazy again and planning to drive home that night.
"I don't drink"

"ok", then:


or they rather smoke instead
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I respect it. Not gonna judge another because of it. Some poeple don't like the taste or burn others have weird reactions to alcohol and it turns then crazy or it irritates their stomach. Some fighters athletes or bodybuilder type dudes will avoid it like the plague as it messes up their development but that doesn't mean dudes who refuse drinks are untrustworthy or anything else. I don't have a problem with people if they refuse a shot...id have more of a problem if u refuse to hit this fat doobie full of cali grade green crack :smokin
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First thoughts? Overly religious or recovering alcoholic. 

But there are people who just don't like to drink. It is what it is. 

This. I just don't drink. Nothing to do with religion or anything else.

I tried it before, thought it was disgusting and never tried it again.

I don't drink but I don't tell people I don't drink, I just say no thank you when I'm offered. This thread is exactly why, people pass judgement when they have no idea what you're about.

I be getting my DonJuan513 on, I don't drink or smoke and I ******g hate the dumb questions I get bombarded with. I seen a disgusting accident 2 years ago on New Years Eve. It happened about 20 yards in front of me while I was standing on the sidewalk. There was a drunk guy trying to cross a main avenue and he got hit by a car going about 40mph head on, that taught me to never drink alcohol. Most disgusting **** I have seen in my life, dudes body parts were all twisted and he was literally in a pool of blood.
I don't judge people for drinking. I just wish people would do the same when I say I don't drink. I have no problem with people who drink.

I have no real reason to drink. I simply choose not to.
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I think they are lame and dont know how to let loose. Im not saying you have to get drunk but have 1 drink and live a little. I dont say anything but i think it. No need to be rude about them not drinking lol
I didn't have one sip of alcohol until a little after I turned 21. But even now, I hardly drink. I just don't care for alcohol. If I am to drink it has to be in a very social setting.
I think they are lame and dont know how to let loose. Im not saying you have to get drunk but have 1 drink and live a little. I dont say anything but i think it. No need to be rude about them not drinking lol

What kind of thinking is this? Some people don't need alcohol to let loose and "live a little". If anything, you have the problem if you need alcohol to open up. As stated before, people have their reasons for not drinking with a big one being from a home where their parent(s) were alcoholics.
i'm not gonna be a lame and make fun of them....i gotta make sure they're comfortable....because i know that awkward feel when everybody's drinkin and you're not
That they're...

1) Strong-minded and don't follow the crowd; Confident. Same goes for smoking.
2) Responsible
3) Don't party as much

You can try mixing your drink with soda or something so you won't feel as left out when everybody's drinking alcohol from their red cups...?

But you're lame if you knock on people and have that holier than thou attitude because they're not drinking - should be commending them instead.
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I assume they either just got out of rehab, had bad experiences with their alcoholic parents/family, sheltered, or had bad experience(s) drinking alcohol themselves. I don't believe that they don't like the taste 'cause there are some good stuff out there like Jager and Malibu amongst others (never tried margaritas or daiquiris 'cause I thought it was for the ladies) that tastes like juice when mixed correctly.

In my situation, I used to drink and smoke that Cali on a daily basis. For example, I would wake up, shower, get dressed, wake and bake then drink whatever was available right out of the bottle everyday before class. Then every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we would pre-game and either go to a party, club/bar, music event and once I went to a formal for a sorority. Drink more at the event and just get completely wasted. I blacked out only once in my life - and only for a couple of minutes. I only figured out because they took pics of me and posted it on FB. 

I was bored waiting for some shorty to come through the crib one day and I saw some cheap vodka. I drank it straight a couple of times but I didn't like the taste so I looked for a chaser. Only thing available was milk. I drank the entire bottle within 30 minutes - after that you could find me skateboarding around my cul de sac without a shirt on, freestyling with a joint puffin'. I didn't like the way our pre-mature tree looked so I cut it in half with my katana - after I was done disposing of the pseudo tree my parents came home. I was pissed 'cause I thought they were still on vacation - and 'cause I knew I couldn't smash the broad anymore. Parentals and siblings didn't say anything about the tree but my stepdad made some stupid comment and then decided to call me a name. With that said, I couldn't take his bull **** anymore and I laid him out, kicked him repeatedly on the head while he was on the ground and my sister saw me and had my mom call the cops (I know 'cause I could hear her through the door). Cops came first with guns drawn telling me to get on the ground, I wasn't having it so I jumped the wall in the backyard and ran to go to my friend's house. Another squad car spotted me on our neighborhood's main street and they caught up to me after driving beside me and both tackling me. Went to jail for 2 days, then my PD said to plead insanity (I take meds for paranoid schizophrenia) and I was sent to a mental hospital for 2 weeks. Needless to say, I liked it there more than being in jail. Got them psycho girl yambs too after planning it out and sneaking in her room crazy early in the morning. Thinking back on it, I should have never smashed though 'cause I didn't have a condom but I didn't care. Stepdad was in the hospital for a 2 1/2 weeks and my mom told me I had to pay for his salary while he was being treated. Instead of getting sued/having to hire a lawyer and risk losing the case and even more cash, I agreed. 

Nowadays, I drink but I keep it to a minimum - a fifth at most. I miss getting completely wasted.

Anyway, I hate when people try to force other people to try something they won't. I was at a rave once and this dude in our group kept trying to have me pop a pill of ecstasy. No matter how many times I denied, he would insist and insist and insist. Even when the rave was done he was still trying to get me to roll, like what am I gonna do? Start rollin' while I'm driving home? 
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