What are your first thoughts when someone tells you "I don't drink"?

Me: You drink?

Them: Nah, never had a drink before.

Me: Damn, that's cool, don't start now, it's over-rated.

**proceeds to slam another whiskey/coke**

Regardless whether they don't drink or became alcoholics. On one hand people that don't drink don't seem fun or adventurous, on the other hand people who became alcoholics can't control themselves. You need a fine balance.
*Fist bump* :lol:
I don't drink either, so it's cool to run into people every now & then who don't drink.

I dont drink either. Never got into it. Im 31 and did 6 years in the Navy. I did get drunk for my 21st bday. I woke up the next morning in an alley in Tijuana and dirty as hell. All I remember is crossing the border and getting into a cab headed to MysterE.

There were some lil girls that sold chiclets that were watching over me. They knew me pretty well cause I would give a 20 everytime I went.

I was crazy sober at that time, drinking would have intensified it.
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If someone doesn't drink because they don't like the taste of alcohol, I presume they don't like the taste of ***** either. More for me.
i'd respect that, i don't drink either except for the occasional celebratory or ceremonial drink. alcohol is objectively one of the worst drugs in terms of benefits vs. drawbacks, at least they way it's consumed by most people.
What kind of tang are you eating that tastes like alcohol?

That kind that is aged in a wooden barrell in someone's cellar.

More along the lines of it being an acquired taste though, that's the parallel to the previous statement. Not that ***** actually taste like hard liqour. Although I have slurped some Makers Mark out of a chick's vag before.
I think.
A. They're in recovery
b. They're lame

But I respect said person because he dont drink....
Because me personally once I pick up I don't stop till I pass out...I'm a addict
I think "Cool, someone else who doesn't feel the need to succumb to the pressure from their peers and society."

I started drinking at 13. From that time until I turned 20 (about to turn 21 in Dec,) I probably didn't go a full month without getting at least tipsy. After a while I just got bored of it and decided on my 20th birthday that I'd refrain from drinking for a full year. Not even because I was showing alcoholic tendencies (although my gut was getting bigger, and that did influence the decision a little,) but because:

1. I didn't/don't want to get a minor so close to being 21 without having gotten one up to this point. (Double as a New Years Resolution since my birthday is in Dec.)
2. I wanted to challenge myself and the "norm."
3. When it comes down to it, I'd rather spend my money on an O of that Presidential. :pimp:

It's funny how something as seemingly simple as drinking can affect your life, though. Before I stopped drinking I was known to throw parties. After I started saying "No" at parties I'd be out at and people started asking questions I lost a good half of my social circle at that time. Dope to me because most people aren't worth the weight of what they digest on a daily basis.

A lot of prejudice in this thread though. That groupthink mentality really got y'all mixed up.
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I think it depends on the person. If it's a guy, it's like ok.. but if it's a girl, you kinda think "uh oh we got a prude here"
I don't drink and most people don't care. I could care less about drinking to fit in or needing to drink to have a good time. Waste of money and bad for your health anyway for absolutely no gain. Natural high ftw
Back in June, went 2 and a half weeks straight of getting drunk every night. 
 @ me. Haven't drank since. Not that I haven't wanted to, just haven't felt like it. That may change next week, though 
Only drink on really special occasions. Otherwise don't care enough to. Just isn't something I can do all the time.

Not gonna be holier than thou about it though.

Either the person is:

(1) Religious

(2) Recovering

(3) Reticent because of family history

But I'll just say alright and not press the issue. 

Taste is not a valid reason because there are a ton of drinks that taste well. 

Not needing it to have fun is a weird excuse because I usually have only a drink or two (with a pretty strict limit of 3) and that definitely doesn't loosen me up or what have you. I don't drink to have fun. I just drink to have a drink. Crazy, I know. 
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