What are your first thoughts when someone tells you "I don't drink"?

they arent any fun
are probably judgmental (ironic i know)
have a problem with alcohol or are on papers
To answer the thread question, if someone tells me they don't drink, then they are a Grade-A narcissist. I don't care if you don't drink (for whatever the reason may be), and I'm never going to ask why, but if you're the type of person who has to broadcast to the world why you declined a drink, then you're a borderline a-hole. I know that sounds extreme, but it speaks to a greater problem with that individual. They have an air of self-importance that rears its head in other ways. Telling me you don't drink is just one way of revealing that annoying personality trait.
Just order a soda or water and let it go. Nobody gives a crap.
are you serious? your obvious not biased or anything like that :lol:

your reactionary ego is very easy to see through .

you have some nerve to speak of 'narcissism' and 'borderline a-hole' :smh:

what about drunken people and all the **** that they pull? :smh:

but people who don't drink are the *** holes? :wow: :rofl:

that makes a lot of sense when drunk people have no respect or regard for anybody or anything, including themselves. |I

everything you just said is a contradiction and a lie.

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are you serious? your obvious not biased or anything like that :lol:
your reactionary ego is very easy to see through .
then you have the nerve to speak of 'narcissism' and 'borderline a-hole'...what about drunken people and all the **** that they pull? :smh:
everything you just said is a contradiction and a lie.

I don't care if people don't drink, I just don't care to hear why.
To answer the thread question, if someone tells me they don't drink, then they are a Grade-A narcissist. I don't care if you don't drink (for whatever the reason may be), and I'm never going to ask why, but if you're the type of person who has to broadcast to the world why you declined a drink, then you're a borderline a-hole. I know that sounds extreme, but it speaks to a greater problem with that individual. They have an air of self-importance that rears its head in other ways. Telling me you don't drink is just one way of revealing that annoying personality trait.
Just order a soda or water and let it go. Nobody gives a crap.
are you serious? your obvious not biased or anything like that :lol:

your reactionary ego is very easy to see through .

you have some nerve to speak of 'narcissism' and 'borderline a-hole' :smh:

what about drunken people and all the **** that they pull? :smh:

but people who don't drink are the *** holes? :wow: :rofl:

that makes a lot of sense when drunk people have no respect or regard for anybody or anything, including themselves. |I

everything you just said is a contradiction and a lie.

I've been told I am as narcissistic as they come & I drink everything in sight. You leave your drink around better believe I will drink it.
To answer the thread question, if someone tells me they don't drink, then they are a Grade-A narcissist. I don't care if you don't drink (for whatever the reason may be), and I'm never going to ask why, but if you're the type of person who has to broadcast to the world why you declined a drink, then you're a borderline a-hole. I know that sounds extreme, but it speaks to a greater problem with that individual. They have an air of self-importance that rears its head in other ways. Telling me you don't drink is just one way of revealing that annoying personality trait.

Just order a soda or water and let it go. Nobody gives a crap.

The question was what do you think when someone says they don't drink.

Not what you think of them after they explain to you why they don't drink.
But you're lame if you knock on people and have that holier than thou attitude because they're not drinking - should be commending them instead.
...buuuuut on the other hand, a good amount of people that don't consume come off the same way about those that do consume.

Like on a "I'm better then you because I don't drink" steez.

Its how a person turns down a drink that matters to me. A simple "nah thanks I'm good" is cool and all that needs to be said most of the time.
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i stopped drinking , turned off by it .

most of my friends and fam look at me like a grouch, i get bored fast at bbq's and stuff , couldn't care less ....

i'm not nasty about it though, just say ' i'm good " and keep it movin .....
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Everything in moderation.

Most people are confusing drinking on here with being hammered drunk from binge drinking. Not everyone that goes out to have a drink has the end goal of puking and a $500 bar tab in site.

Grow up.
I'll sit on a beer or two, but I do not go out looking to get wasted anymore.

It's simple really. I'm 21 as of two weeks ago, and when I was in my hanging-in-the-park-at-night era (back when I was 16-18), my friends and I would drink all the damn time. There were freezing winters where we would sit in the jungle gyms and drink 40z when we should have been in our basements with hot chocolate. The drinks were way too easy to get, so we had to take advantage of that.

As I thankfully got out of the park-hanging stage, I realized there were a bunch of times where I had gotten hungover, and it was the worst of feelings. I had lost all interest in drinking to get really drunk. I have a group of friends who I used to hang with all the time, and all they do is drink, and give me **** for it. I brush it off, but I just can't hang with them like I used to any longer because I know they'll be drinking and that's it.

Plus, girls when you are out for the night don't like a sloppy, leech of a drunk approaching them.
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I actually hate getting wasted and I get really annoyed if I do.

I kinda feel bad afterwards because I just don't remember too much. Its just that damn fine line of trying to get nice and then going over it without thinking about it. 
I do have a sense of respect for them.

Then I think, "You have no idea of what you're missing."

Then I realize that I know a few guys who get more girls sober then most guys get when they have their courage juice in them.
Everything in moderation.

Most people are confusing drinking on here with being hammered drunk from binge drinking. Not everyone that goes out to have a drink has the end goal of puking and a $500 bar tab in site.

Grow up.


And to answer OP's question, I simply respect it and think nothing of it.

I went almost 2 years without drinking so I know people will always ask, it never bothered me.
I'm a social drinker, there has to be a reason for me to drink so I tend to tell people who offer me drinks "no thanks" ... but if u tryin' to roll up, that's a whole different story kuz i stay FADED :smokin
I love mircobrewed beer and have one pretty much everyday with dinner but I don't like to get hammered and hate the taste of liquor

it's really being able to control yourself; a lot of people just drink to get smashed and don't care what they are drinking as long as it does the job...I'm passed my young party days like that
I think they are lame and dont know how to let loose. Im not saying you have to get drunk but have 1 drink and live a little. I dont say anything but i think it. No need to be rude about them not drinking lol

How I feel. Respect to your decision, but the people who hate on others drinking and having a good time, grow up.
Depending on the surroundings I think either they are very religious such as a Mormon or Muslim or despises getting hangovers or designated driver or health fanatic or recovering alcoholic or has a serious health condition or tired of drinking. 
How I feel. Respect to your decision, but the people who hate on others drinking and having a good time, grow up.

I do find it lame as hell when people will go out and won't have a drink

my fav event to get faded at is a sports tailgate :smokin
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I feel bad for them because of what they're missing out on.

Missing out on what?

To me it's sad that people need to be drunk (or drink in general) to be social, pick up women, etc etc...

*FWIW, I do drink - casually. But like I said, I respect the decisions of those who choose not to drink. It's their business.
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Missing out on what?
To me it's sad that people need to be drunk (or drink in general) to be social, pick up women, etc etc...
*FWIW, I do drink - casually. But like I said, I respect the decisions of those who choose not to drink. It's their business.

going to a bar or club and not drinking is weird unless there is some kind of alcohol recovery situation and they shouldn't be there to begin with if that is the case
going to a bar or club and not drinking is weird unless there is some kind of alcohol recovery situation and they shouldn't be there to begin with if that is the case

Weird to who? I'm not following.

One of my real good friends doesn't touch alcohol. Never stopped him from having a good time when we would go out. I really find it sad that people are so dependent on alcohol to help aid them in social situations. Not saying this is you, but that's my .02
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