What are your Goals and Dreams, Lets see if we can help.

Complete shoe collection( yes, I still like love sneakers

My goal is probably to get straight As in school.
^^i was just thinking that. let that goal guide you. i was pre med in undergrad because i really wanted to become a pediatrician and provide care to childrenand then i started learning more and more about health care disparities and became passionate about access and equality and wound up in law school gatheringtools for the greater good.

btw, great thread OP
i want to get more into my music, song writing. Thing is i need to learn to stop sining out of my nose, i know their is a voice in here somewhere
have 100k by my birthday doing real estate investing 4/27 (www.dgbuyshouses.com)

be known for bringing the life back to my city Buffalo, NY

travel the world, learn about other cultures, learn their languages, etc...

Automate my business

set ma fam up for life

marry my girl and have a SON

get ma mans signed to some label because he is a great rapper

I can go on for days...

keep it going...
an internship then job with an nba team, the nba itself or nike

anyone got connects in the north jersey/ nyc area!? im currently looking for an internship for next semester

If Mateen wouldn't sit on NT all day maybe he'd be back in the league...

After a lot of cold calling and rejections I was fortunate to land a 4 month internship with a Forex trading desk as treasury trader/support clerk. Afterworking hours of overtime with no compensation, the Treasurer of the company offered me an extension yesterday until June when I go back to Uni for my lastsemester and full time job after graduation beginning right away. This has taken a huge burden off my shoulders and I feel very grateful and appreciated. Thebest is telling my family this and for them to be happy, there's no other feeling like it!

My other goal would be to muster up the courage to ask this girl out to the company Christmas party... One step at a time.
I would have been playing for howard cc in md this year but due to a car crash that wont be possible. no time to be down just keep working harder, and wont letlifes little roadblocks stop me. Im hoping to play in every league this year to get some shine. I seen a couple players get put on to 4 year colleges afterplaying in certain leagues. wtv it takes I will do point blank. My modo is "a setback is a setup for a comeback" so no worries
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Move to the city in the next 2 years (Park ave later down the line
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Attend Wharton school of Business or Columbia (I gotta push myself harder)[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Get aninternship at a major Financial firm[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Become an Investment Banker[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Own (or at least have part ownership in) a Private Jet
Bugatti Veyron

- I'd like to be a firefighter. I've started training, but i have never worked out before so it's quite hard! I hope one day I'll be able to beone of them.
- I'd like to be in shape for the summer... I'm 5'10, 230 lbs, and i can tell you it's not muscle!
It's going well with the"becoming a firefighter" plan

- I'd like to move from Canada to Florida, or New-York (yeah I know, it's really different). I'm actually thinking if it would be a good or badthing...
- I'm also thinking to move from my parents and head downtown Montreal. I've decided to drop school for a year so I can work full time and get my moneyright.
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by ballislife32688

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

clear skin
condo on the upper west side
make my moms proud
inspiration to others

doubt any of that will ever happen.. but its nice to dream.
damn son change your thought process trust me on that. U dont wanna look back and didn't try to go after your goals. get up and get on your grind
i've been on the grind since february and i still have no money, no job, basically no anything. i can't help but to think the way i do..
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Then things will stay that way.. Think positive bro (jk jawny
).. Change certain things and see what happens. Wish you the best ofluck.[/color]
Honestly I want to become the best ______ designer that I can be and not be afraid to take risks career wise...critics be damned out here.

I've got a long road ahead of me but I'll be aight. I made it this far.
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