What are your Goals and Dreams, Lets see if we can help.

I've been trying to go to school for audio engineering but got no dough, got a low paying job, got to pay rent and have bad credit. I'm still notgiving up tough I also been reading that going to school for this its a waste of time.
Originally Posted by sneakerloco

I've been trying to go to school for audio engineering but got no dough, got a low paying job, got to pay rent and have bad credit. I'm still not giving up tough I also been reading that going to school for this its a waste of time.

what exactly is audio engineering im interested to know
Mad I passed on this thread.
I like how the OP keeps bumping it up
Become a video editor/director or becoming a music producer. Planning on going to school for the video editing.
Originally Posted by JC08

After a lot of cold calling and rejections I was fortunate to land a 4 month internship with a Forex trading desk as treasury trader/support clerk. After working hours of overtime with no compensation, the Treasurer of the company offered me an extension yesterday until June when I go back to Uni for my last semester and full time job after graduation beginning right away. This has taken a huge burden off my shoulders and I feel very grateful and appreciated. The best is telling my family this and for them to be happy, there's no other feeling like it!

My other goal would be to muster up the courage to ask this girl out to the company Christmas party... One step at a time.

word, bad chick at the job that you just gotta holler?
I'm in thesame boat as you. One step at a time.
My man JLKING has tryouts for varsity bball going on today and he is working his *%! off, and im sure he could use somesupport right now from the NT fam. Good luck and keep pushing
finish school (grad)
lose 15 lbs
buy a house in md
get my bike
be able to box amateur
get married
have kids
get my truck
I'm working in construction and I'm 20. In 2010 I wanna go to an apprenticeship program in carpentry and when I get out I'll be 24. So when I dothe program I'll be learning and saving so I could buy real estate and flip it for a profit, because working a regular 9-5 for someone else just won'tget it. I can't work for someone for 35-40 more years, so now I'm in construction working with a journeyman carpenter. I gotta get up at 5 am everydayto work, but in a few years everything I've been working for will finally come in to play. I also plan to build my own house and settle down by the age of35. SORRY for the way it was written I'm at work on break and just threw it together.
This thread is so inspiring and I'm only on page 3..gotta get back to work read the rest when I get home
Get into law school. Only one semester of undergrad left. Once I'm in there, I feel like I'll be alright because I know I can work hard and do wellwith academics. My scores/GPA have me positioned as very likely for one of the three schools, here, pretty likely for another, and kind of reaching for thethird. Hopefully, I won't be making a FML post in six months.
Originally Posted by k HAN 206

Nice thread. But some of ya'll are have goals that are too broad. Lemme help you guys out.

set SMART goals.

S- specific
M- measurable
A- attainable
R- realistic
T- Timed

the T is important. If you guys set a specific date for the goal to be a achieved, ya'll won't slack.

Wow. I got to use what i learned in class today. Hah!

Felt like this was a good thread to contribute.

-Finally get out of financial debt with all the college loans post-graduating out of a public university this past Spring
-Become a better dancer and free-runner/parkour
-Become a more renowned and experience food critique
-Try to travel
-Finish some classes in order to get into grad school for an MBA in Finance (or something finance related) within the next two three years.
-Find a decent girl (tired of playing games, been messed with a lot of girls in my past)
-Own my own business, in relation to the aforementioned activities I'm already involved in and possibly expand for more

-Having a somewhat active "food blog" of sorts
-Just got a PT job (also trying to help pay for some of the loan payments about to kick in soon (hoping to land a decent career starting job at a business firmwithin the next three months)
-Allowing myself more time to train my body physically for overall fitness from dancing to free running
-Trying to maintain a healthier diet (to allow myself more energy and capacity of tolerance to injury in training)
-Explored over 300 plus restaurants within the past three years to build a more discriminating palette of sorts for many types of cuisines
-Started dating someone at the moment, off to a rocky beginning but hopefully some longevity and value will show with all the patience and hard work I'mputting forth for a change
I want to be one of the foremost intellectuals and contributors on matters concerning anthropology,psychology, philosophy, and on issues concerning African andAfrican American people.
Just passed my Series 7 exam to certify me as a stockbroker today! My boss told me if I didnt pass it on this first attempt, I'd most likely be fired ormoved to a different group in the bank. I needed it even though I do ibanking and not stock trading, but DAMN it feels good to finally have that weight off myshoulders!
I want to get back beneath 200 pounds. I'm hanging around 230-235 right now (5'10", just shy of 25 years old).
find an accounting internship for this summer, preferably in the Houston area. Any help finding any prospects or places i could apply to would be hugelyappreciated.
get a job next semester and not be broke, not spending money i dont have.
buy my first car (im 20) this summer through the internship i hope to get.
Graduate with at least a 3.6 GPA.

At the same time, my BIG dream is to make it big in music. Unfortunately with school and career goals and everything its hard to fully pursue that right now.Im in a band with my best friend though, who I work with while im at home (i go to school out of state). and he's pursuing music full time. i only get towork with him while im home from school, which isnt that often.
PLEASEEEE check out our music at myspace.com/thecostigans and spread the word if you like it
Originally Posted by swizzc

Just passed my Series 7 exam to certify me as a stockbroker today! My boss told me if I didnt pass it on this first attempt, I'd most likely be fired or moved to a different group in the bank. I needed it even though I do ibanking and not stock trading, but DAMN it feels good to finally have that weight off my shoulders!

Good Thread OP
My goals and dreams
Finish up my Bacholors in May '10
Finish my Masters in Taxation in Dec '10
Study and Pass the CPA
Get back into serious shape
Play a season of semi pro football before I start working in 2011
Become a Brazlian Jiu Jitsu Black belt by 30. Currently a 21 year old white belt close to blue belt tho.
Fight MMA
Start my own business or company
Live Debt Free
Move out and buy a condo by 23.
Make my money work when I'm not working
People to live vicariously through me.
I want to be a Music Producer. I started when I was 17. It wasn't too serious but I enjoyed the hell out of it. When I got to college it became my passion.Instead of reading about/seeing producers that are heavily in the game I thought "Why not start taking steps to turn this dream into reality". Fromthere I figured out a name for myself, started up and soundclick, and began learning (still learning) about music theory while progressing the quality of mybeats. I'm 22 now and I continue to be persistent whether its with expanding my network, spending time on the keyboard, or planning my next move. I'mstill in college so I can't move as fast as I want to but I'm dedicated enough to continue what i'm doing until I get to where I want to go. As faras school, I'm an Information Systems major. I look at this as just a back up. When I graduate, i'm gonna go as hard as I can to make it as a musicproducer.
Yea I know I started the thread, but there are days when im down just like everyone else. reading these quotes has kept me going. I hope there helping all ofyou go further with your goals and inspirations. Honestly its never too late to start over people and be whatever you want in this world. keep going people.
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