What are your top 3 priorities in life at the moment?

1. Helping my fiance finish planning our wedding
2. try and finish school (working full time and taking a full load of classes at night sucks)
3a. try to save as much $$$ as i can
3b. using that $$$ to try and get a house
finding a job so i can go to school next semester
1. Get into the university of tennessee
2. Keep my grades up
3. get on these women before i leave michigan for good

will change once i start back working but everything else requires money........
1. Keepin God first
2. Raisin my daughter the right way
3. Financial stability/good career
1.) Doing well on the LSAT.
2.) Law school applications.
3.) Getting into law school...
1. Finding money for school books
2. Finding money for a new TV
3. And Finding money for some camera stuff.

it seems like i need alot of money
makin it through my first semester/year of college with good grades
then finishing school
then finding a good paying job
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