What Bones Have You Broken?

Mar 7, 2007
Broke my left wrist last Saturday I am good though Had surgery on Thursday and am going to have to go to Physical therapy (6-8 week recovery)
i never broke anything. but i had split my head when i was 14. got 12 staples to hold it together. and they put the the staples in while i was awake. and theyput 3 shots in it while i was awake too. tingling cool feeling.

this happened on july 18. its still healing and im guessing by the end of the year im good. got some kind of weird metal rod inside the bone. they gonna takeit out when i finish healing

i also broke my hand and my rib both healed but its all messed up
My knuckle punching the TV over being anger over a vid game
Finger tip in gym accident. Exercising in the weight room at my place with a girl and a weight fell off the rack.
Ankle and sport incident.
Originally Posted by andycrazn


this happened on july 18. its still healing and im guessing by the end of the year im good. got some kind of weird metal rod inside the bone. they gonna take it out when i finish healing

i also broke my hand and my rib both healed but its all messed up

What did u do? That looks bad
broke my wrist doing a bunny hop on my dope *%+ mongoose!!(when i was 13)... recently fractured my R ring finger punching some dude in the skull at a clubrumble!
but messed up my left wrist pretty badly 2 years ago playing bball. Thought it was broken but ended up it wasnt.
I broke my collarbone when I was pre-school age and I broke my right big toe when I was about 17.
Broke my ankle when a fat lineman fell on me after a run.

Broke my arm when I was 4. Fell out of a tree.

Broke my hand on someone's face after mashing him up pretty bad.

Dislocated my shoulder.

Broke a finger.

Had problems with a floating rib.

Pretty sure I broke a bone in my elbow, during a dunk gone wrong on a 9 footer, but didn't have insurance at the time and let it heal on its own.

I think that's it.
Broke my pinky almost five years ago. I was doing chin-ups. then i sprung up to run a lap, but lost my balance and landed on my pinky. Doctor used a pen tostraighten my pinky by cranking it.

Fractured my clavicle (collarbone) just last month. I was in grappling class. This guy got me in some weird armbar, which was weird because i had side control.He was cranking my arm, but i didn't feel any pain, just compression. heard a pop, and the guy asked if i was alright. i said yes and we continued tograpple until my shoulder teared a few seconds later. went to the hospital the next morning, and got my figure 8 strap.
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