What Bones Have You Broken?

broke my collarbone in 5 pieces playing basketball
broke my ankle
right thumb 2 times
left pointer finger 3 times

and then some other fractures of my other fingers over the years

lets not even talk about how many concussions ive had
since the human tooth is considered bone...

i broke my friend's teeth with my elbow playing basketball

i havent seen him after that
Left Elbow 3 times now. Once when I was 5, once when I was 9 and the last time was like a year and a half ago. Needless to say its all messed up. I cant eventouch my left shoulder with my left hand anymore
broke my tib and fib in my left leg when i was 13 and i broke my right hand last year fightin
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

My knuckle punching the TV over being anger over a vid game


but I broke my pinky toe playing football in the sprinklers... barefoot.
i'm pretty sure i've broken something in my wrist before, but didn't get it checked (thought my parents would flip out
). i couldn't use that hand at all for 3 or 4 days.
chipped a tooth in the weight room
no other bones besides that

completely dislocated my elbow playing bball
took 4-5 months to regainfull range of motion
Big toe on my left foot
Never went to the doc so it healed funny and can't bend
Originally Posted by MALCALA622

both ankles

Sorry about that, the second crossover was excessive on my part =) ..on a serious note, good thread, post more pics if possible
collarbone. tyler hamilton rode the tour de france with a broken collarbone and i'll admire him forever, i don't think i could've done it for allthe money in the world
bone broken: left collar bone AKA clavicle
how: fell short on a jump while out motocrossing.
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