What Bones Have You Broken?


i heard breaking a rib or collarbone hurts like a %$@+#

my boy broke his collarbone riding a fixed gear bike, he didnt know how to brake noob.
I broke my foot around May. I was in the cast for 3 weeks when I just said F it, I cant stand this anymore. I spent 4 hours chiseling off the cast in my roomand got finished around 3 in the morning. My foot was alright, a little pain but nothing that would keep me from walking
Dudes who have broken their wrist how long did it take you to heal?

I broke mines and had surgery to fix it
I haven't broken anything. *Knocks on wood* Tearing stuff is a whole 'nother story though
parada 45-depends on the extent of the damage and how old you are. i broke my wrist when i was 11 and it took 6 weeks to get better.the fact that you had tohave surgery on it makes me think yours will take longer than that.

i broke my left radius when i was 9 and recently broke my middle finger on my left hand when a "friend" of mine slammed the car door on it.
broke my left arm when i was playing ball when i was a kid, had to have a cast in my arm for 1 month
wrist and broke my Fibula bone

the fibula bone took 3 surgerys and 11monbths to fully* recover.. wish i had those xrays to show.
my right wrist. i got hit by a pitch during a game 2 years ago, i struck out that at bat, then hit a home run my next at bat. i played through the pain for 2more weeks but had a check swing that had me in tears. it took me 3 weeks to heal and i didnt even need a cast. my bone grew back bigger tho and it cracks allthe time now
broke my nose playing Basketball on the 4th of JULY 5 years ago. it was like 3am and a blood bath. still cant breathe properly

MayhemGhatz witnessed it
i broke my clavicle and shoulder a year ago. those coupled with the other injuries sustained from that accident were the WORST pain i've ever experienced.
Originally Posted by maxtempo96

parada 45-depends on the extent of the damage and how old you are. i broke my wrist when i was 11 and it took 6 weeks to get better.the fact that you had to have surgery on it makes me think yours will take longer than that.

i broke my left radius when i was 9 and recently broke my middle finger on my left hand when a "friend" of mine slammed the car door on it.

Yea I also got 2 screws put in there. My doc says 6-8 weeks but I am hoping sooner than that.
i broke my nose playing baseball last summer...blood was just gushing out, my whole face got numb so i knew something wasnt right..

after surgery was one of the the best feeling ever, all the painkillers and the best sleep i got
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