What Bones Have You Broken?

right thumb, right middle finger, bone in the hand below the pinkie twice they call its a boxer's fracture. and i destroyed my shoulder, not tech broken,but rotator cuff and labrum were quite badly torn and frayed.
Broke my fifth metatarsal when I came down on somebody's foot playing ball. Tore my ACL in Football(non bone)
--Left pinky finger. Had to wear a splint for 6 weeks.
--Dudes swipin at your hand while ballin up wearing huge rocks on their fingers FTL.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

^ how long did it take for your shoulder to heal? u had surgery right?
I was in a sling for a couple of weeks, they started me on physical therapy exactly 1 week after surgery. If i recall right i did about 4mos of atfirst 3 times a week than 2 times a week rehab. Structurally my arm is sound, but even still 3 yrs out from surgery its def not the same. If I could change onesingle thing about my life and I've done plenty of stupid questionable things, it would be hurting my shoulder.
My right fore arm play fighting
then broke it again after the day I got my cast off when I was getting up from the gym floor
Had reconstructive surgery on my left ankle in 2007; torn ligaments and EVERYTHING....my ankle was like a soggy sheet of paper....
It STILL aches fromtime to time...

Sprained my left ring finger...the knuckle wasn't popped correctly, so ehh...i'm not tryna FORCE pop it into place...
middle and ring fingers on my left hand (separate occasions)
big toe on right foot
Left index finger
Left Middle Finger
Left Forearm
Left Elbow
Right Middle Finger
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