What city in America has the best looking Females?

if u look like super ghetto chickheads then yeah ATL wouild be #1 lol but seriously if u have seen females outside then hood and beeen around the world you would know there is alot better loooking chicks then the dusty broke washed groupies an jumpofffs who casll Atlanta home


Also chicks in miami , atl and nyc get just as much work done on themselves as LA girls lol only differnce is and LA girl knows how to make the surgery look natural
Originally Posted by bluedeniro

Originally Posted by LonelyBoySole

Originally Posted by ourtran

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

So here is the top of the selected 25 American cities, when it’s about the most attractive people (although Philly being on the list is disturbing 
). Whoever said SF doesn't have fine @#$% slap yourself, you clearly haven't been up here. I'd switch ATL and Minneapolis too
My city at #2. ehh ill take it.

minneapolis! Never wouldve thought itd be up there... I can see it though.. I love my White Girls

Chicago lower than Minneapolis 
. ATL should be way higher, i need a link to list, because this screams complex mag

We at 15.
honestly for the Cali cities it depends what youre into. SD has the finest white girls, LA latinas, and SF filipinas.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

So here is the top of the selected 25 American cities, when it’s about the most attractive people (Philly
). Whoever said SF doesn't have fine @#$% slap yourself, you clearly haven't been up here. I'd switch ATL and Minneapolis too
San Antonio in the top 20.....
I'll take it....
HovaKid, why are you so sure that the MAJORITY of Cali females have went under the knife? What are you basing this off of? Television?
Originally Posted by Scarface2k1

seattle, really???

btw, im from Providence lol.

I was surprised seeing Seattle there on the list too as #14 which is koo I guess (Seattle native here), last time I saw it on a list like this it was at number 28. I need to check out that San Diego tho since its closer than Miami
I am a white dude from the west coast and I'll admit when I went to Atlanta a few summers ago I was like
looking at all the beautiful black chicks. So many fine women over there.
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

There should be a thread about which cities have the most cooperative females.

^ Yup.
I thought it was already a given, after reading the list and hearing NT's friction sentiments of LA > NY ; NY > LA type of stuff.

As a cali resident, I'll admit I've had bit better luck with SoCal girls than NorCal girls. Both on looks and commitment material. Then again, it's a plausible generalization and my own personal bias. However, not all girls go under the knife. But rather, the "facade" of being fine or 'gassed up' as people put it on NT is more of accurate portrait here in SoCal. But, I've been meaning to meet more east coast girls especially those in Manhattan, heard it is ridiculous out there as well. The south also has it's fair share....Asian southern belle from TX FTW (missed opportunity 
I've only visited 7-8 different countries and the girls in Miami were nicer looking than females I've seen anywhere else.

Chicks in NYC are way over-rated. I went there expecting to come back home in a neck brace but I just came back home disappointed.

My friend took these pics when we visited...now extrapolate this x 24 hrs a day...



Not just latinas...European tourists, white chicks, black chicks, you name it.

And I realize the title says "America" but Toronto is probably the 2nd or 3rd best city in terms of women in North America.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

It is like this.

LA/MIA = NBA. So much talent. You HAVE to be on your A game because you know you will be competing against world class talent on a day to day basis.

NY/CHI/DC = Power conferences. They have some powerhouses but they have so many South Florida, DePauls and teams that really don't belong. A LOT of trash in these areas. There are some gems, many gems. But overall, I can't see how anyone honestly believes the overall talent level HERE is better than LA/MIA.

Not saying there isn't trash in LA/MIA, but the girls put forth so much effort because they know they are going up against the best talent in the world
It's a fact that the answer is Los Angeles. There's actually a legitimate genetic reason for this.
Atlanta - hands down. The ratio of women to men is crazy and there are some fine women here. Then add in all the college girls from Spelman, Clark, Ga Tech, UGA, Emory, GA State and other smaller schools and it's just no comparison.

Plus, you don't have to be at the beach (MIA) or club (LA or NYC) to see a hot girl in ATL. You can see them at Chick Fil A and Publix.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

It's a fact that the answer is Los Angeles. There's actually a legitimate genetic reason for this.

Millions of beautiful people move to Los Angeles in search of fame as a model/actor/musician/entertainer -- industries that place an enormous amount of emphasis on physical beauty.  99% of those people fail, get stuck in the region and end up mating with each other.

You essentially have a city whose gene pool is chiefly comprised of preferable physical genetic qualities and the cycle continues.  That's why native Los Angelians are typically attractive.
Overall it boils down to NYC, LA, Miami, Atlanta, DC, and Chicago.

Move to any of these cities are you'll see some serious eye candy, period.
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