what did you do for your 20th??

I was living on Saint John in the US Virgin Islands for the summer (July birthday). I was working at a bar/restaurant in town were the staff is all bad %++ girls from around the world who moved to the island. I worked on my birthday and the night before until like 10 P.M-11 P.M. The chef made me whatever I wanted on both nights and I had full run of the restaurants bar. Needless to say I took full advantage of that. After work my coworkers suggested we continue the party elsewhere and go to a different bar. BAM walk into the bar and everyone I know on the island is there waiting to surprise me and the bar is decorated with assorted "happy birthday" $!++.

Caribean Island
Mixed bag of stunning girls from around the world
Crazy good food
Open bar x 2

Can't complain
it fell on a wednesday and most of my peoples had school the next day so nothing happened, my girl came over, bought me a bunch of @%%# and just spent the whole day/night with me
thursday night my fraternity threw me a giant kegger, got messed up real bad

friday evening my girlfriend and I flew out to orlando to go to disney world for the weekend (my parents paid since they couldn't think of anything to get me), pretty good week
My 20th is in 2 months.. Have no plans. Probably chill with friends. Get tatted again. Hopefully smang something?
My 20th was this past Thanksgiving. Didn't do much but eat a lot and drink a little with my gf. I'm anxious for next year, tho.
Got lifted like always...my late teens and early 20's were spent being high almost everyday
Went to the only 18+ strip spot in NYC

Placed sucked but ******* are *******. My boy was 21 at the time so we were pregaming hard before that. Good times

Now 21..... epic failure
Originally Posted by AyoDun

Never understood why people are proud to get drunk and not remember the night. #winning you are not! I spent my 20th with my family + friend, remember it and will enjoy remembering the special occasion for years to come.

Everyone doesnt have that luxury smart guy. Who are you to judge what you "don't understand" L7?
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by AyoDun

Never understood why people are proud to get drunk and not remember the night. #winning you are not! I spent my 20th with my family + friend, remember it and will enjoy remembering the special occasion for years to come.

Everyone doesnt have that luxury smart guy. Who are you to judge what you "don't understand" L7?
 I understand what they are doing tough guy, I am just unable to comprehend why they think it is so "cool" to drown their sorrows in a bottle of alcohol on such an important day. l7? Square? I'm a square because you think I don't partake in abusing drugs like you? Son I've done shrooms 2 time, lsd 3 time, e over 20 times, smoke weed occasionally and drink occasionally am I cool now? I'm not saying alcohol is bad, I'm just saying I look at people who drink to the point of blacking out as miserable fools wasting their precious moments of life. 
edit: oh it was you who wrote don't remember #win. u mad dunny?
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