What do yal do when a girl keeps staring at you in class?

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

let me tell you my story op

so im in spring semester 08, there was this salvadorian chick who would always stare at me but she never said nothing, so one day im walking back to the bus an i turn around and its ol girl following me faking it on the phone, so i ask her if she finished her essay ( making small talk). i invite her to come with me to get some grub, so she comes with me and when were eating out of nowhere shes says "ive never met someone thats treated me as good as you" im like huh? im thinking damn something's wrong with this girl....long story short a day later i got topped off and was about to smash on two different occasions but the vagina stunk so i decided not to hit it...long story short if she staring thats means she wants the pipe

How you make a long story short, twice.

But you got the right idea, just make small talk. If she staring it means she think you are attractive. Or you just constantly have $*$% on your face.
Additionally, it makes me very uncomfortable. I'm not ugly by any means but damn is there something on my face? Why do you keep eyeballing me?
You need to step to her...." hey What goin down? I noticed you looking at me in class? What's on your mind?" smile.....then nod when shesay's your "cute" Date a chick and lay down the pipe down drainage...."we all need more practice right?" Once she's on jock mode...BAM!!!! You just gotta a plug for 2 more pair of Space Jam's....FREE!! And prolly a platinum mouthpiece to the girls round campus...Youknow non cute girls have cute friends right? Just DON'T GET HER PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONDOMS.....DIAPHRAM.....I don't care if you gotta super soakthat kitty with bleach you do the deed....and GET THE HELL OUT!!... last thing you want is to have to cop some unwanted kid sizes "Damn I've beencamping all night for these XI and now I gotta get a 4C or else baby mama aint buyin %!@@! " Gud luck homie!
Originally Posted by LaceLocka

You need to step to her...." hey What goin down? I noticed you looking at me in class? What's on your mind?" smile.....then nod when she say's your "cute" Date a chick and lay down the pipe down drainage...."we all need more practice right?" Once she's on jock mode... BAM!!!! You just gotta a plug for 2 more pair of Space Jam's....FREE!! And prolly a platinum mouthpiece to the girls round campus...You know non cute girls have cute friends right? Just DON'T GET HER PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONDOMS.....DIAPHRAM.....I don't care if you gotta super soak that kitty with bleach you do the deed....and GET THE HELL OUT!!... last thing you want is to have to cop some unwanted kid sizes "Damn I've been camping all night for these XI and now I gotta get a 4C or else baby mama aint buyin %!@@! " Gud luck homie!
i been starin at this chick n got caught multiple times,i dnt really remember how to talk to girls after being in a relationship for so long
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

let me tell you my story op

so im in spring semester 08, there was this salvadorian chick who would always stare at me but she never said nothing, so one day im walking back to the bus an i turn around and its ol girl following me faking it on the phone, so i ask her if she finished her essay ( making small talk). i invite her to come with me to get some grub, so she comes with me and when were eating out of nowhere shes says "ive never met someone thats treated me as good as you" im like huh? im thinking damn something's wrong with this girl....long story short a day later i got topped off and was about to smash on two different occasions but the vagina stunk so i decided not to hit it...long story short if she staring thats means she wants the pipe

How you make a long story short, twice.

But you got the right idea, just make small talk. If she staring it means she think you are attractive. Or you just constantly have $*$% on your face.
so thats why they stare.......
I noticed you noticing me, and I just want to put you on notice that I been noticing you too.
- not cute > stone face her, or just ignore her
- cute > nod my head, start a conversation
I hit her with the awkward slow "Hi" wave and raise a brow and then look at her reaction....if she hits me with the wavy fingers wave or looks away Iapproach if she looks at me disgusted I now know I have something on my person that is stained or I'm just hideous to her and look away.
Originally Posted by petermans

Originally Posted by psykhO

Ignore her. If that doesn't work tell me what will.. cause i'm sort of in the same situation

Same here. But she is kind of cute...downfall is that I don't like african american women
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by petermans

Originally Posted by psykhO

Ignore her. If that doesn't work tell me what will.. cause i'm sort of in the same situation

Same here. But she is kind of cute...downfall is that I don't like african american women
to each his own? Idk, I guess not my type.
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