What do yo say/do to avoid buying a drink for a girl in a club/lounge/bar?

Her: Hey, what's that you're drinking?

Me: Left Hand Milk Stout

Her: MMM! That sounds good!

Me: It is. Wanna buy me another?

I dont even say anything

Just hit em' with the

:lol: :lol:
famb... this thread was delivered...

so much lulz...

"water on the rocks"


"gimme da wop first"

:lol: x :pimp:
true story...

i'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing...

but i think, i'm all my years hittin the club... i've had maybe ONE CHICK ask me to cop her a drink in the club...

and i'm saying one cuz i dont remember any..

i'm not sure if i'm too damb ugly or broke looking... or so swagged up the yambs cant see a sucker bone in my body..

ioneem know, bruhz...
I don't go to places unless the alcohol is free to me, usually comps. If I do have to pay I don't mind buying a drink, there's an art to buying a woman a drink.
"I walk by 'em and wink
I don't feel T-Pain cause I never had to "Buy Em a Drink" (not me)
Double shot of 'your name here' baby I am the drink"
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