What do yo say/do to avoid buying a drink for a girl in a club/lounge/bar?

I will only by drinks for girls that I am cool with because I know they will do the same during the night we don't even have to ask.

But if a random girl asks then I simply say "Naw you good."
The few times females have asked me I've told em that they got more then enough guys in the bar/club that's more then willing to buy them drinks and that they should buy me one to even things out. This has probably worked successfully about 30% of the time but 30 is better then 0

I was at some bar in Washington heights this past summer and had this Dominican broad that was begging me and every other dude at the spot I was at throw a tantrum. She asked for a drink, I told her that for what she expected guys to spend on her with nothing in return, I could go to her home country and get 3 of her that will do whatever I want and cook for me as well. I proceeded to get called an abundance of explicit things in Spanish afterwards
That is one of my pet peeves. I will literally walk away. Most chick that ask believe they are deserving in some way.
The few times females have asked me I've told em that they got more then enough guys in the bar/club that's more then willing to buy them drinks and that they should buy me one to even things out. This has probably worked successfully about 30% of the time but 30 is better then 0

I was at some bar in Washington heights this past summer and had this Dominican broad that was begging me and every other dude at the spot I was at throw a tantrum. [COLOR=#red]She asked for a drink, I told her that for what she expected guys to spend on her with nothing in return, I could go to her home country and get 3 of her that will do whatever I want and cook for me as well.[/COLOR] I proceeded to get called an abundance of explicit things in Spanish afterwards

Its funny that you say that. Me and my friends say western women being put on a pedestal is what makes them like that. Didnt know others shared our views

Its funny that you say that. Me and my friends say western women being put on a pedestal is what makes them like that. Didnt know others shared our views

Don't worry. There are plenty who think this way. 3rd world girls all day, and if not at least find one with heritage that's of the 3rd world that way you get the best of both worlds.
After expierencing 3rd world yambz and wiminz it greatly changed my perspective on the ones sound my way
Don't worry. There are plenty who think this way. 3rd world girls all day, and if not at least find one with heritage that's of the 3rd world that way you get the best of both worlds.
I understand. I have been out of the game for a while for reasons I wont get into but the only women I have talked to (and struck out with) in the last 2.5 years are the 3rd world chicks. Don't bother with the rest.
when i  first turned 21 i was at an event with some coworkers..

i was a projectionists and we would get into these film maker parties for free and also get free drinks, this was after the international film fest..

one night we went after work and it was at a gay bar..we were just stopping by for a couple of drinks and bouncing, it just wasnt dudes there either it was just being hosted at a gay club..

this was all industry people, plus they were from all over australians french peeps,ETC.. they were all cool as hell..anyway i was just chillin and my boss told me to go talk to some girls

i wasnt really dressed for the occasion and said eff it..walked around a bit and saw this white blonde chick sitting at the bar bored as hell, we started to talk and she said her and her friends were going to cabo but their flight was cancelled due to weather, i think it was during Gustav or something, but yeah this chick was probably an 8.5 out of 10..she asked me arent you going to buy me a drink..

and i told her that i didnt bring any money since i got free drinks and that i wasnt expecting to meet a hot girl at a gay bar..she laughed and she said well here ill buy you a drink...
so after 5 drinks or so we are making out and shes grabbing my junk we drank alot more after that..then she tells me she wants to go outside to do it..

she was from long beach 29 years old and worked for boost mobiles corporate offices..we start to head outside and her friend who was with her comes and gets her and tells her they are leaving..we give em a ride and the entire way im getting my hands wet..

 shes telling me she loves me and this and that..to come live with her i dont have to work or she can get me a job in hollywood...

we get to her hotel and my buddy and i had to carry her..we get in the elevator just the 2 of us and shes telling me to get naked and lets do it right here..then we get to the hallway and shes saying to do it there too 

 girl was wild this was the first time i had ever gone out to a bar...her friend told her to get into the room and she was telling her to let her go..and the last thing i hear is some struggling then i hear her scream.."LET ME GO I WANNA F_ _ _ _ HIM!!" 

we took off after that..cuz i knew her friend wasnt going to let her out..

next day at work im hung over..walking to the booth and everyones staring at me..
i get to my work area and my boss yells WTEFFF.. then he said did you get attacked by a cheetah?? and i had no clue what he was talking about..then he tells me to check my neck..
i go and look in the mirror and my neck is tore up with these nasty hickies all over my neck...

i didnt get her info which i regret, thats how fast things went..

if you have to ask for advice on females then you will NEVER ever succeed with the ladies..

i have never asked for advice with females, you gotta get out there and also make friends with girls, it lets you into their world, some chicks will do anything for you..
you just have to have a great personality and also not take things too seriously,its all a game you just have to choose the right opponent.

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Back then i use to buy them all the time but now im like...wtheck, how bout you buy me a drink...but seriously most of the time these birds ask me to buy em a drink or buy her and her girls shots, i say sure and boom just disappear in the dusk of the lights and smoke....and no its not that im broke or anything, just that i go out every week and spending over $50 a night is cray..rather have a bottle at home at take these birds home... What do you say or do? :tongue:
Bet you were raised by a single mother

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besides female friends, ive only bought one girl a drink.

I wont front, i was the drunkest ive ever been in a public place and i absolutely fell in love with her the second i seen her. (not kidding)

got the #, talkked a few times bout gettin together but i was leavin town next weekendkend. weekend after next.

We friends on FB...i really fell in love that night lol
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