What do you call your father when you're speaking to him?

Depends... Dad, father, or creator.

To my bros pops, dad or daddy like where's daddy??

I call my godfather poppy. We all just do. I never even knew his name until I was like 10
Nothing i don't have a dad
Dad, dadeh, or old man if I'm feeling fresh.

I got an uncle that called his father daddy, everybody in the hood started referring to his dad as daddy.
You got my dad, my uncle, and bunch of other old men related or not in there 50s & 60s referring to the old man as daddy when reminiscing.
It's only weird if you make it weird.
I call him Todd to make sure he knows he's no better than me

Just kidding
dad or pops. never called my mom "mommy" or my dad "daddy" never been a fan of either. And I don't want my son calling me daddy either. Especially since my girl calls me that when I'm in it lol
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