What do you need RIGHT NOW to make your life perfect? (Realistic)

-100% Healthy (not eating consistantly, not in shape, etc.)
-A well-paying good job.
-A new car.
-Stability in school.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Originally Posted by boxer

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl



i thought you paid good money to have less of that.

as for me.

-a cute girl.
-a supplementary income.
-honda rs sonic.

This the third time you've quoted me and written the same peanut butter and jelly $#$*%*%# today.

Que pasa?


Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

This the third time you've quoted me and written the same peanut butter and jelly $#$*%*%# today.
unless you are crank's aunt i am pretty sure i only mentioned you twice. i am a bit punch drunk though, so i could be forgetting something.

nonetheless, it's just a harmless jab for wearing a bit too much make-up.
Que pasa?

i'm way behind on slang. curve?
-More money, can never have too much of that (the possibilities are endless)
-An MD degree
-Public Enemies
-Get back in the GYM
-Join the fire academy and get a job with the LA county fire department.
- finding my dream girl
-getting ripped. I'm well on my way on this one.
an honest, humble, trustworthy, down to earth girl who likes sports, kicks, watching movies, being active, and loves me for me and onlyme.

so yea realistically, those don't exist so i'll bestraight with that good bread $$$$$
A better UPS man (someone who does his job and doesn't make me feel like shooting him).
JDM ITR Front End
Hasport Mounts
Custom Axles
About 10 pairs of sneakers from my wanted list (realistically, 10 is a fraction of the list)
A crib/townhouse/condo...anything but an apartment. I don't like apartments.
Tickets to the next Subway series.

I'd say my college degree, but I rather earn it.
-a good woman
-my health back
-a doctor who actually gives a @+%$ and can tell me whats wrong....or to magically find a cure myself
-all of my stocks to go over a dollar

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