What do you think could be the storyline for BATMAN 3?

how about zsasz? I could see him working out

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

how about zsasz? I could see him working out


yo! good call. i would love to see the batman series get darker and zsasz would be perfect. i think jackie earle haley works as zsasz
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

how about zsasz? I could see him working out


That's it right there...Put him in it with maybe a killer Steroid fiend type of Bane (Just to keep it in line with Nolan's true to life Batmanconcept)...

On the other hand some of those I-Rumors about a Penguin that is a serious arms dealer flooding Gotham with guns could work well with the ongoing Mob theme aswell...
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

I have no idea if this site is fan made or more viral marketing but, friendsofharveydent.org has an ad for KILLER CROC at the bottom right of the page as the next fundraiser for Harvey Dent..

Man, Viral Marketing for TDK was INSANEEEE.

Dark Knight STILL is crack.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

how about zsasz? I could see him working out


Yo thats crazy i never noticed that.
and wasnt that one insane guy who helped the joker in the fake shooting of Comissioner gordon Named after the mad Hater?
I hope they bring Joker back. It was such a good role.

And I know I'm gonna be pissed seeing him come back and not be the same, but I think I'll get over it within the first couple minutes.
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