what dvd's are a MUST have for building a superb collection.

city of god
the departed
the professional
american beauty
kill bill vol 1 and 2
pulp fiction
Trainin Day
Donnie Brasco
Bad Boys I and II
Coach Carter
Mean Girls *i know i might catch some heat for this
The Notebook *
Night at the Museum
The Hurricane
The Original Scarface *not the one mainstream america knows about*
forgot about donnie brasco and training day

also if you could collect the DVDs of the AFI top 100 films of all time that would be an amazing accomplishment. I think I have 20 of them. some are impossibleto find.
Rocky 1-6
Seinfeld complete series
Toy Story, Aladain, Lion King (Classics)
8 Mile
Any Adam Sandler or Will Smith movie
Whos the Man
White Chicks
The Departed

Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan, BraveHeart, Patriot, Departed, Sixth Sense, Bourne movies, Matrix movies, LOTR movies, city of god,

so many movies out there but make sure not to get movies that would taint the collection plus damage your pocket
Forrest Gump
Road to Perdition
I Am Legend
Sex and the City

..just kidding about the last one; however, it might be a good idea because I'm sure a female individual will appreciate it
American History X
De Ja Vu
Man On Fire
Paid In Full
Requiem For A Dream*you won't think straight for days*
Vantage Point
Pursuit of Happyness
Originally Posted by AIR J XIII

IMO, you need get whatever dvds that will make your collection superb IN YOUR OPINION.
Took the words right out of my thought process. My collection is nice, bein' that I have A LOT of good movies, but my collection might bewack to somebody else because my taste in movies may be different. But these are some of my favorites that I watch often:

Pulp Fiction [Favorite movie]
Reservoir Dogs
The Departed
Donnie Brasco
Fight Club
King Of New York
Bruce Lee flicks
Jackie Chan Flicks
Jet Li flicks
40 Year Old Virgin
Knocked Up
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Kill Bill 1 & 2
Friday.....you get it.
American History X
Jerry Maguire
Mission Impossible 1 & 3

I don't want to keep goin', but I have a lot of movies that I like. Just get movies that you like.
A lotta fine selections in here, but regarding the blu-ray comment, I have to agree... high-def makes a huge difference for me... so much, that I find myselfwaiting for the blu-ray release rather than catching it in the theater... but thats just me... but I digress...
I'm going to ad some of the ones missing that i know are must have

Green Mile
Schindlers List
Color Purple
Shawshank Redemption since it went un notice
Empire of the Sun
Cinderella Man
A Few Good Man
I am Sam
The Passion of Christ
De Vinci Code
Silence of the Lambs
Leathel Weapon
The Patriot
Dances with Wolves

Honorble Mentions
Meet the Parents
Y tu mama tambien (I like it not a must have)
Maria full of Grace
Boyz N the Hood
Indiana Jones
Rain Man
Top Gun
We Were Soldiers

Some of the ones ididnt see mention and must have ...
Millenium (season 1-3)
Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Time Bandits
Star Trek Generations
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
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