What face lotion do yall use?


Nov 29, 2010
all i use is Johnson's baby bed time lotion but it aint cutting it any more... dont know why... 
my face has been getting dry spot... im trying to find a good lotion to keep my face moisturized throughout the day...
Sperm is good for your face breh

[h1] One of the Most Detested Sex Acts Is Good for Women[/h1]
Posted by Jamye Waxman on June 17, 2011 at 6:41 PM


I've always been a swallower. As a child, I swallowed anything the vacuum cleaner failed to pick up. Crayons. Paper. Nose boogers. Nothing felt dirty or wrong, even if the look on my mother's face told me otherwise. It wasn't until I started giving blow jobs that I thought about what I swallowed. I had given up breast milk long before then, and the idea of swallowing something out of someone else's body felt odd. But anything feels strange until you get used to doing it.

There's a lot of chatter over the age old sex debate, to spit or swallow, but when it comes to decisions, this is an easy one. If you love your partner and can muster up enough strength to take one for the team, take one for the team. Not only do guys love it when women swallow -- something about the whole completion thing -- but there are actually measurable benefits to swallowing, too. 

1. Semen can boost your mood. Sure, this study had to do with intercourse, but if the hormones in semen, mainly testosterone and estrogen, make women happy when they screw, why wouldn't they make women happy when they swallow? Going on that theory, swallowing can make you happier. So next time the kids are screaming for SpongeBob, think about the benefits of another type of bob. The head bob. 

2. Semen does a body good, pass it on. That's right, semen may be a cure for sore throats and diabetes! The next time you eat too much sugar and worry about your insulin levels, balance it out with a little semen (and, of course, talk to your doctor). If you lose your voice shouting at the kids for fighting, protect your throat with semen. These are only some of the possible medical benefits for semen. I can only imagine what else science will uncover about swallowing. Perhaps it's the cure for world hunger? 

3. Semen can taste good. Like French fries or fruit, it all depends on what he eats. When you're looking for a filling snack, why not a little love juice? It's high in protein and only 20 calories per teaspoon. And when he eats celery, cranberries, watermelon, and drinks pineapple juice, he'll taste even juicer. 

4. And for those who can't get themselves to swallow, fear not. You should feel good knowing that a little semen on your face may do wonders for your skin. According to The Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress, semen facials are good for you. And in her memoir, I'm Wild Again, even Helen Gurley Brown recommends the semen facial: "Spread semen over your face, [it's] probably full of protein as sperm can eventually become babies. Makes a fine mask — and he'll be pleased."

Do you prefer to spit or swallow?
fap in your hand and rub it on your face... you can go to sperm banks also... It works breh... trust
Jack Black face moisturizer with SPF 20. The SPF is key, because it's as effective as sun screen, and doesn't look oily.
its expensive...$10 a bottle but its my fav

i use the sensitive skin one.  Doesn't irritate my face or clog my pores
I use Jack Black. It's sorta pricey for face lotion but it's pretty concentrated so it lasts a long time.
To those using Johnson's lotion on face

neutrogena face lotion & it's got that spf which is very important
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