What has been your biggest failure or personal let down?

That I didnt play football in high school or college after everyone told me I should. I regret that because I never know what would have happened but the path I am on now with the people I have met I couldnt be more happy.

Also wish I wasnt so shy/nervous in certain situations
Partying to hard while i was young and wasted to much time. Now, Im pretty much back in line what ive always wanted to do, but I feel a tad bit to old, but I know in reality im not, but I just cant shake the feeling.
Mine deals with school as well, I was just not prepared for going to a University and what it takes to succeed at my next level of education. I didn't have decent study habits, moved to a city (being from small town) all on my own with no one, had monetary issues and failed the first 2 years of my schooling. I went back home and fixed myself up, and even though I try not to blame anything/anyone I feel if I had at least a somewhat decent upbringing I would have been prepared for school and had motivation to push me and let me know the in's and out's of my collegiate education. Fast forward to now and I am AT LEAST 2 years away from graduating and working on getting readmitted into school. I wish I could start it all over, and considering what I know now I would not only change from a studious standpoint but from a learning standpoint, because I would of liked to graduate in Economics or Hotel Restaurant Management while earning a teaching degree on the side so I can teach until I find a job that would help me start my career where I want, but I know it's too late for that. I wish I knew what I was getting myself into and had the knowledge to sort my mind out a few years ago but unfortunately I didn't and it bit me, I'm trying to change it around and it is very stressful situation but I hope everyday I will succeed in life and one day earn my degree with the highest honors that I can.

I hope if you are in a great situation to succeed then be proud and take advantage of it, because not many people have those opportunities. Be blessed y'all.
Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

giving an 18 yo kid a 45k loan w/ no co-signer? %!@?
Sallie Mae doesn't give out the tuition plus loans anymore that allowed you to do this.  Once the housing bubble burst the stop giving these out probably because they are as toxic as those mortgages were.  I understand it was my fault and all but home owners all over the place made the same mistake i did and they are older and "wiser".  The system is set up to keep you stupid and in debt.  At least i know i will never allow my kids to do the same thing i did.  You live and you learn and money isn't everything as they say. 

I'm not faulting you for taking the loan; you were 18, we all did dumb things. My issue is with them giving you the loan. This is one of my big issues with the educational system in general and what's gonna lead the educational bubble bursting just like the housing bubble. The same way it'd be hard for and 18 yo get a 45k auto loan, business loan or mortgage, I think it should be harder for them to get a big student loan as well. I know everyone should be able to get an education but some of these debt totals I see are ridiculous. Sallie should be alot more prudent with who they give loans to, it hurts everyone. Alot of students are defaulting on their loans because they have no reasonable way of paying them back (not to mention student loans are non-dischargeable). I know a dude who minimum monthly payment is $1200!
My min to sallie mae is $1100 a month and then i pay $212 a month for federal.  So about $1300 a month just in loans.

The argument i always get when i tell people my situation is "your an idiot for doing that".  But I always say that it should have never been allowed for me to do this.  The system is set up to keep you in dumb and in debt.  And i agree with the education bubble.  I like to think that I have done almost everything in my life the way i wanted.  Graduated in 4 years (Drexel University) degree in Finance and accounting (yes i see the irony
).  Work at NASA as a financial analyst.  Everything i wanted to achieve i have.  And i should be loving my life.  But i can't do mundane things with friends like go on vacation, go to a concert, buy a cd when it comes out.  I am literally pinching every penny and I like to think i have a decent paying job for my age (52k a year, 24 years old).

I just hope people can learn from my experience.  I wish i could go on a nationwide tour and teach high school kids about it.  What i wouldn't have given for a "college" course in high school.  Just how to fill out FASFA how to do certain things the right way how to get grants how to get other aid.  And if you borrow, what your payments will look like in the future.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by Jking0821
My min to sallie mae is $1100 a month and then i pay $212 a month for federal.  So about $1300 a month just in loans.

The argument i always get when i tell people my situation is "your an idiot for doing that".  But I always say that it should have never been allowed for me to do this.  The system is set up to keep you in dumb and in debt.  And i agree with the education bubble.  I like to think that I have done almost everything in my life the way i wanted.  Graduated in 4 years (Drexel University) degree in Finance and accounting (yes i see the irony
).  Work at NASA as a financial analyst.  Everything i wanted to achieve i have.  And i should be loving my life.  But i can't do mundane things with friends like go on vacation, go to a concert, buy a cd when it comes out.  I am literally pinching every penny and I like to think i have a decent paying job for my age (52k a year, 24 years old).

I just hope people can learn from my experience.  I wish i could go on a nationwide tour and teach high school kids about it.  What i wouldn't have given for a "college" course in high school.  Just how to fill out FASFA how to do certain things the right way how to get grants how to get other aid.  And if you borrow, what your payments will look like in the future.
ouch 1300?! that is crazy. i know that feel though about going somewhere you can't afford. i went to GW and ran up a higher # than I should have. i guess on a good note my loan two payments are manageable for my salary (about $500 a month total, with a 4.5% rate). I had a cosigner though with really strong credit history though. I've shaved off about 10k so far within the last year but its still so much.
In high school, I wished I was a better person. It was the people I hung out with and I was just being a thug like them. I did not have any friends in school but outside of school. It was just miserable because I felt I always had a target on my back. I wished I actually tried in high school as well. I never got any good grades and I was consistently late all the time. The sad part is, I had a large amount of colleges I wanted to apply to but I knew my limits when I was applying. I got rejected to a lot of schools and I was just so sad.

My first college, I wish I never even went to that school. I lost about three years of my life in that feces hole. The girls there were terrible, I was a commuter student, I knew nobody, I was shy and I also failed a few classes. I was still really young and the people that I hung out with in high school were all gone. I think about high school all the time because if I did well, I wouldn't have needed to go to this college. I could've gone someplace where I actually liked.

My laziness. My family had a restaurant and I didn't know what hard work was. My parents were at the restaurant for 12 hours a day/ 7 days a week. I was just too busy going out because I wanted a social life. Now, I work at a restaurant part-time and the experience has really helped me but I could have had a higher position to start if I was at our family restaurant more. I would've known how to make sauces, cook a lot better than I do now, learned the intricacies of dealing with workers and running a establishment. I think about it everyday now.

Karma. I thought I would be running through chicks right now. But I did that all when I was 17-21. Now, I'm 25 and I can't even get a girl to look at me now. It is so much harder for me to find somebody and I am still single. I really think all that cheating I did when I was young is still biting me in the butt still. I wish I never cheated and I don't want anybody to cheat or be the cheated. It is just a very cowardly thing to do. I try to live my life on the straight and narrow now and everybody now thinks I'm boring. I could care less because they never met me when I was young.

Saving money. If I knew anything about saving money, I would've been saving up since an early age. I started to really save up money when I was 20 but I could be a lot more richer if I had saved up starting at age 10 or something.
2005 US Amateur qualifier... last hole i'm 2 under...2 balls out of bounds, 2 in the water and end up with a 12 on the last hole...missed the cut by one, haunts me to this very day.
Not living up to my own expectations so far
Doing dirt that will haunt me the rest of my life
Burning bridges with alot of women who were beautiful inside and out
Letting people who I thought were my "brothers" take advantage of me from our youth till age 20
Not being myself and looking for approval of others

But hey im only 21 and I am slowly changing it around
- Had no control over it but my Parents told me some people from a popular soap opera kept calling them about using me for a few episodes when I was a newborn. I like to think I could of been the male equivalent of the Olsen twins or Raven Symone and caked up right now.

- Wish I had transfered to a major University when I had the chance.
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