What is Jay-Z's ceiling as far as success is concerned?

Jun 5, 2006
I keep hearing the White House sponsored ad he did on the radio supporting President Obama, and it got me thinking what a realistic ceiling for Jay-Z is. Is politics
even an option with his lack of a formal education?

I would never vote for Jay-Z to run my country...

...so before this thread gets ridiculously out of hand, let's nip that in bud now.
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I keep hearing the White House sponsored ad he did on the radio supporting President Obama, and it got me thinking what a realistic ceiling for Jay-Z is. Is politics
even an option with his lack of a formal education?

I like this topic. I'd say politics is going to be a challenge, not unachievable, but it will be a challenge. There is so much behind the scenes stuff that goes on in Washington that we don't see, where a formal education is helpful. It's not a requirement, but I could see him going into politics.

However, I think he'll probably stay away from it. It's alot of work/stress. If he's already got money, and plenty of things that take up his time, why add another large project with lots of stress?
 Gov. J****

*can't say j i gga?
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Politics? Lol

the smear campaign would be tooooo easy.

immediate thought. "HE SOLD CRACK!!"


"I never told anyone to sell drugs. Hov did that, so hopefully you don't have to go through that."
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Jay to replace Bloomberg .
*throws up the Roc*

I've actually mused over this in the past.

I can see him running in the future. I certainly wouldn't vote for him, though.

And a smear campaign, lulz. He's filthy rich, he can buy a positive light. Besides, he could easily go with the, "I was a bad person then, I've become a much better person since then; I'm running now as testament to what faith and handwork can do. I'm the American dream realized; philanthropist, business man, etc...blah blah blah...."

And let's be honest, he'd have the urban NYC vote on lock; factor in the Beyonce connect and now he's got the white womenz/young female vote on lock too...:lol:

I've actually mused over this in the past.
I can see him running in the future. I certainly wouldn't vote for him, though.
And a smear campaign, lulz. He's filthy rich, he can buy a positive light. Besides, he could easily go with the, "I was a bad person then, I've become a much better person since then; I'm running now as testament to what faith and handwork can do. I'm the American dream realized; philanthropist, business man, etc...blah blah blah...."
And let's be honest, he'd have the urban NYC vote on lock; factor in the Beyonce connect and now he's got the white womenz/young female vote on lock too...:lol:
plus Obama would run and help so yea
I don't see him winning any national election, but I think he could win NYC mayor by a landslide.

I'm sorry but I don't want someone that could easily lose 92 bricks running my country or city.

I thought he already reached his ceiling a while ago. He's not getting any younger.
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I know we're a celebrity obsessed country and all, but if Jay-z is ever in congress voting on legislation 
. Only a matter of time before Ryan Gosling is leading us to war.
If Arnold could be governor.....then Jay can easily top that.
:lol: because Arnold also sold crack, shot his brother for stealing from him, and rapped about it.
be cereal here you guys.
you got people bashing Romney for his tax situation...what you think they gonna have to say about dope dealing and shooting siblings?
I know we're a celebrity obsessed country and all, but if Jay-z is ever in congress voting on legislation :lol: :x . Only a matter of time before Ryan Gosling is leading us to war.

So you probably don't want to hear about this guy called Ronald Reagan, then?


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