What is Jay-Z's ceiling as far as success is concerned?

LOL at people thinking Obama would stand next to Jay-Z if he tries to do something political. I'm pretty sure Obama is embarrassed that rappers name drop him all the time and act like they're cool with him.

I mean... the reason I made the thread was because of this ad that I have been hearing on the radio 100x a day...

Plus I just saw Obama will be campaigning alongside of... Jay-Z on the final day of the presidential race...


Seems like he is pretty cool with Jay to me.


Yes Jay-Z was a drug dealer, but former DC Mayor Marion Barry got caught smoking crack on videotape WHILE he was the mayor, went to prison, and when he got out of prison eventually became mayor once again. If that happened, why is at least not plausible that Jay-Z could possibly run for office?
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I mean we do have Arnold who can still barely speak English running CA...how is Jay such a farfetched idea?....lol
In response to him selling drugs, prove it. "Hey I was just saying that to sell records." All these politicians who have an alleged shady past, will simply ask you to prove it. If I may quote Whitney Houston " show me the receipts." LOL. Bush abused cocaine, dodged Vietnam and crashed a few businesses. He did two terms. Giuliani had mob connections via his dad, he did two terms. All they say is prove it and life goes on, because you can't. Besides doesn't all of jay-Z's "friends" from Marcy (Calvin Klein, Gunna and Jaz-O) say he never pushed?
:rofl: Don't you see how that's worse? All those other ppl had alleged actions/habits behind close doors for the most part, not outright in public. Saying "prove it" is not spinning that Jay promoted violence, drug dealing, and some drug use among many other things to make money. He'll be painted as the worse role model possible and that'll be tied in to being leader of a city/country/state. Even to go further they'll ironically and rightfully attack Jay over being a guy that'll say anything for money (yes politicians do this but they don't openly admit it hence the irony). They'll go on to say he's a liar and can't be trusted in any government position.
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Wait, how is this man NOT successful?...are ya serious?...this dude came from NOTHiNG to a multimillionaire,probably the most positive face in all of HipHop...the face of a basketball franchise, anything ad everything he endorses automatically increases in value, the only piece of the puzzle missing as far as being a positive public figure was being a family man and he is that now....yeah he might have sold dope, what like 20 something years ago? :lol:
Say the devils name and he shall appear.
JAY-Z has no ceiling. Dead serious. What about this guys life and achievements would lead you to believe that he does?

-Only rapper to have a long standing successful clothing line (Sean John was not a success)
-1st rapper with a shoe and it sold out instantly
-Turned $50 dollar champagne into $375 champagne with a simple endorsement
-President of Def Jam, signs an array of blockbuster artists
-The face of an NBA Franchise
-The 40-40

I could keep going. He could probably an election if he wanted to, maybe not president but definitely a senator. He said it best himself. "Theres only one rule.... I WILL NOT LOSE" and hes never lost.
November first and we already have a runaway leader for worst post of the month:smh:


Any of this is supposed to help him win a political election?

View media item 124183
Post above was on point. Nobody's debating that Jay is filthy rich, but what more can he do at this point? Dude owns like 0.01% of the Nets and now he's the 'face of the franchise'?
Jay IS the face of the Brooklyn Nets...Jay IS Brooklyn....

As far as winning a political election, that depends on how far he decides to go...President?...Lulz, Governor?...well we just have to look at Arnold, how is he at any less of a disadvantage than him?...the power of the young vote is strong...best believe he will have THAT on lock.
Any of this is supposed to help him win a political election?

Post above was on point. Nobody's debating that Jay is filthy rich, but what more can he do at this point? Dude owns like 0.01% of the Nets and now he's the 'face of the franchise'
It proves that he has the power to influence people. Dont tell me people were buying S dots because they were the best looking shoes out. Go read this bookmore specifically chapter 7 it goes into vivid detail about how Ace of Spades is the exact same champagne that it was before JAY-Z started promoting it, and how in the liquor industry it is not regarded as being high quality. So why did it quadruple in price? JAY-Z is the only reason.

The nets marketing campaign wasnt built around JAY-Zs minority ownership? We're just going to act like this didnt happen

I am in no way implying that he is making important basketball decisions but he is a HUGE part of their marketing campaign and a face of the franchise at this point. If you walked up to someone on the street and asked them to name a owner of the Brooklyn Nets JAY-Zs name is the name that will be said first 99% of the time. The guy got to christen the arena with a week of shows and his face is all over the place.

He is a very influential figure, especially in the black community, that much can not be denied, and a big part of running for office is the ability to influence people.

In a world where professional wrestlers, actors, and people of flat out ill repute all hold political office, I dont consider it farfetched to think that JAY-Z could do it if he chose too. That would go for any rapper that has as much clout as he does if there was any, sadly there is not. Any musician with his kind of pull could do it in my opinion

I dont see why the conversation keeps getting dragged back to politics, the guy could go put his footprints in any arena. "Put me anywhere on Gods green earth, I'll triple my worth."
Hov sold dope.. like foreal yall think he can run for office?
Hov sold dope, now he owns a minority stake in a basketball team, Hov sold dope and he was president of the biggest hip hop label in the world, Hov sold dope, and amassed hundreds of millions of dollars, Hov sold dope and yet associates with the likes of  Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Barack Obama. Him selling drugs became irrelevant a long long time ago.
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Hov sold dope, now he owns a minority stake in a basketball team, Hov sold dope and he was president of the biggest hip hop label in the world, Hov sold dope, and amassed hundreds of millions of dollars, Hov sold dope and yet associates with the likes of  Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Barack Obama. Him selling drugs became irrelevant a long long time ago.
i wasn't aware the citizens of America voted for him to be in those positions
Dude owns like 0.01% of the Nets and now he's the 'face of the franchise'?

You're crazy if you don't think that Jay is the face of that Franchise.
You think it's the Russian billionaire? No one even knows his name..
Hov sold dope, now he owns a minority stake in a basketball team, Hov sold dope and he was president of the biggest hip hop label in the world, Hov sold dope, and amassed hundreds of millions of dollars, Hov sold dope and yet associates with the likes of  Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Barack Obama. Him selling drugs became irrelevant a long long time ago.
i wasn't aware the citizens of America voted for him to be in those positions
That was not the point. The point was that him previously selling drugs did not stop him from breaking into some very high profile arenas, its not like those things he did can be done by a regular person. Hes clearly built a brand for himself that eclipses him selling drugs way back when. That is the point and I dont see how that brand cant extend into politics in some way shape or form especially when
In a world where professional wrestlers, actors, and people of flat out ill repute all hold political office, I dont consider it farfetched to think that JAY-Z could do it if he chose too. That would go for any rapper that has as much clout as he does if there was any, sadly there is not. Any musician with his kind of pull could do it in my opinion
Him selling drugs no long matters to people on that level. Its brought up in regards to his rap and outside of that its a "meh" topic. Its good ammo for a smear campaign but I doubt it would go anywhere. Once again IDK why this is being limited to politics.
Sean John wasn't a success? Puff won a CFDA award for it, that's pretty successful for a rappers clothing line.
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Yea.....I pretty much stopped reading after that comment. Luckily, it was the first, so I didn't have to subject myself to anymore delusional observations from someone who clearly can't discuss Jay objectively.

But straight up, Jay has no ceiling. He's been beating the odds for years. He could do several things. He isn't just confined to politics.

He could expand his brand further in sports. Move into film. Not for nothing, but Roc Nation could use some growth.
Yea.....I pretty much stopped reading after that comment. Luckily, it was the first, so I didn't have to subject myself to anymore delusional observations from someone who clearly can't discuss Jay objectively.

But straight up, Jay has no ceiling. He's been beating the odds for years. He could do several things. He isn't just confined to politics.

He could expand his brand further in sports. Move into film. Not for nothing, but Roc Nation could use some growth.
This is all I needed. Even he agrees with me. Hes not a fan of me at all when it comes to conversations about JAY

Sean John was a success I'll take that back but on Rocawears level? I think not.
I'm still astounded by how negatively ppl talk about his percentage in the Nets. Like what percentage of people in general have ownership interests in a professional sports team? I assure you its smaller than a tenth of a percent. And the number who are black is even more miniscule. Yet we want to act like it doesn't matter. And that's why minorities don't have nice things.
This is all I needed. Even he agrees with me. Hes not a fan of me at all when it comes to conversations about JAY

Sean John was a success I'll take that back but on Rocawears level? I think not.

I'm not sure I agreed with you so much as I made my own assertion.

I call it like I see it. Jays career is astounding. There is no denying that.

And now more than ever he has the contacts and the capital to try his hand at whatever he wants.
Why are we talking him being a politician? Politicians are just puppets and the face for the people that really run things. There's levels higher than that. What if he were to reach a level of success CEO of a certain corporation (not saying any current), but if he reached a level of real influence and where he could really could have a say in politics.
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