What is love????.....VOL...Baby don't hurt me.

OP, "true love" is a choice.  A decision made subconsciously about a person who fits some of your physical and character qualities you want in a partner.  These qualities are obviously shaped and molded by your personal values, past experiences with family and past relationships.  But ultimately, "true love" is not this disney, cosmic thing that we have no control of.

There's times when you're dating someone who has all these good things about them that out weighs the bad. All the little "cute" things they do after awhile isn't so cute anymore.  There's a reason behind all of this.

So I believe if you want "true love", stick to your guns when dating from day one.  It's sad to say but comprising early will only make you miserable later. 
When the little stuff she does that used to bother you when other women did them doesn't bother you one bit.

I can dig this, my last girl who I thought was the one :smh: had a lot of things I would have picked other girls apart for, maybe I should have :lol:
Not always, you make it seem like "falling in love" is like choosing whether to have pizza or a burger for lunch. You preferences are a choice, now out of those preferences falling in love is more spontaneous. You don't fall in love with someone because you "CHOOSE" to.
"Not always", agreed.  And it may not be as simple as choosing pizza or a burger for lunch, but "falling in love" is far from a euphoric, spontaneous feeling.  It's a deliberate choice, a plan to love each other for better and worse, for richer and poorer and blah blah blah.  Of course, you don't choose who you're attracted to, but you definitely choose who you fall in love with and, more importantly, who you stay in love with.  When all the butterflies have fluttered away and the day you began this "falling in love" journey becomes a distant memory, you will discover that you're with someone who is just as imperfect as you.  And they, in turn, will come to learn that you have problems, insecurities, struggles, quirks, and body odor just as real as theirs.

Now, I'm not dismissing the feeling of "falling in love".  I've felt it before, but right when you're having this feeling about someone else it will behoove you to look at this objectively. And make a choice whether you want to continue down this path of "falling in love" (ie eyes wide shut) or continue to date this person without all of the googly eyes.  Real love is a commitment, not something we fall into by mistake.
When you look at her and think to yourself "I can totally get away with your murder" but you don't do it.
I thought this thread would be about a night at the Roxbury :lol:
I thought this thread would be about a night at the Roxbury
doesnt mean we cant turn it into one...EMILIOOOOO!
some people are able to grow into a loving relationship, that ain't me

if there aren't sparks right away, it's a lost case


cute, funny chicks >
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When you can take a **** with the door open and she don't eem care

A chick who lets you be little spoon
Not a **** but I have taken a piss with the door open while she watched. It was actually kinda weird.

Been little spoon too. It was also kinda weird 
 Like giving a piggy back ride while lying down 
You can grow to love someone word to some arranged marriages, but yea I'm not about that life. What people call commitment and "planning to love" is just you tolerating someone because of societal pressures.

I can't I've dated girls casually who I know I'll never have it for them and can't fake, maybe I was too nice just to be straight with them or it was someone to smash

I know some people can but I def. can't
It's when you actually decide to live for that person and your only goal is to make them/their life happy/perfect. No reciprocation.

But hopefully they feel the same way

If a man won't die for something he isn't fit to live - MLKJR
sounds like having a kid
Not a **** but I have taken a piss with the door open while she watched. It was actually kinda weird.

Been little spoon too. It was also kinda weird 
 Like giving a piggy back ride while lying down 
what being the big spoon as a girl is soo fun at times because you get to hug your bf and then also reach for his...nvm that might just be me 

Not a **** but I have taken a piss with the door open while she watched. It was actually kinda weird.
Been little spoon too. It was also kinda weird :lol:  Like giving a piggy back ride while lying down :lol:

what being the big spoon as a girl is soo fun at times because you get to hug your bf and then also reach for his...nvm that might just be me 

It's not just you. And I love this. Happened to me this morning :lol:

Edit: Also I think your definition from the first page was pretty spot on. I just felt it with my new gf very early in the relationship and I never felt anything like it before. Thought I was in love with a few of my past gf's but I really only think I loved one of them seriously thinking back on it. Asked my dad when/how he knew and he said he wasn't sure but he just did. So I agree with you it's something you can't really explain even once you feel it. You just kinda know and then you question all of your old relationships like damn.
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I've been in love twice. The second time being this all-encompassing constant euphoric feeling of bliss that it made me question if I had ever been in love previously. Love is having the time of your life merely watching movies on a Sunday afternoon. Love is yearning for the affection of another immediately after departing from their presence. Love is truly a feeling and not an expression or a definition. If it feels like a magic trick that nevers get old then it might be love. If you've ever done drugs, then you know that a high wears off over time. Love is the pinnacle of that high through a sustained amount of time. It's a very dope feeling and I hope everyone gets to experience it.

The converse of love, however, is a mother f. No pain like lost love. I'd rather be shot than experience it again.
I don't know. That powerful, magical, fantastical, oneitis feeling fades, but I prefer opening with that bang than just being cool the whole time. Trust me I know how stupid that sounds.

I've been in love twice. The second time being this all-encompassing constant euphoric feeling of bliss that it made me question if I had ever been in love previously. Love is having the time of your life merely watching movies on a Sunday afternoon. Love is yearning for the affection of another immediately after departing from their presence. Love is truly a feeling and not an expression or a definition. If it feels like a magic trick that nevers get old then it might be love. If you've ever done drugs, then you know that a high wears off over time. Love is the pinnacle of that high through a sustained amount of time. It's a very dope feeling and I hope everyone gets to experience it.

The converse of love, however, is a mother f. No pain like lost love. I'd rather be shot than experience it again.

All of this. I don't even know who I was when I lost that, twas embarassing.
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I don't know. That powerful, magical, fantastical, oneitis feeling fades, but I prefer opening with that bang than just being cool the whole time. Trust me I know how stupid that sounds.
All of this. I don't even know who I was when I lost that, twas embarassing.
I agree with this. I don't care if it fades but there's nothing better than that spellbound love.

Anything else, seems like a waste of time.  
I've been in love twice. The second time being this all-encompassing constant euphoric feeling of bliss that it made me question if I had ever been in love previously. Love is having the time of your life merely watching movies on a Sunday afternoon. Love is yearning for the affection of another immediately after departing from their presence. Love is truly a feeling and not an expression or a definition. If it feels like a magic trick that nevers get old then it might be love. If you've ever done drugs, then you know that a high wears off over time. Love is the pinnacle of that high through a sustained amount of time. It's a very dope feeling and I hope everyone gets to experience it.

The converse of love, however, is a mother f. No pain like lost love. I'd rather be shot than experience it again.
 The one I loved, loved me hard but I was too afraid of showing that I loved her as much as I did. Until she finally got fed up. The combo of love lost and that guilt was killer. 
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