What is the PC laptop equivalent to a Mac in terms of style/performance?

Jul 20, 2007
I know about the HP Envy that is about to drop that Dre is kind of endorsing but what would be the best route to take if I want something that is stylish aswell as performs just as good as a Mac.
NT is not the place to ask this question. Apple fanboys galore.
Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

NT is not the place to ask this question. Apple fanboys galore.
Why don't you answer the OP then?

I don't know about PC performance but I've always liked how Sony VAIO's looked. Still wouldn't buy it though since they run Windows.
i'm liking how the new Sony and Toshiba notebooks are incorporating/ripping off MBs design.. so i'd choose between those 2..
edit: just googled "HP Envy".. you can add that to the list of MB ripoffs, lol.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

I want something that is stylish as well as performs just as good as a Mac.
Doesn't work that way. Unless you can run Mac OS on your PC, its not happening. The whole performance issue stems from the Mac OS vs.Windows.
I was hoping I could find something with the newer quad processors without the tagging of it being a desktop replacement aka too big to be a mobile laptop.

My last resort is getting a MacBook Pro and installing Windows on it as well. But I would like to try to find another route.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

I was hoping I could find something with the newer quad processors without the tagging of it being a desktop replacement aka too big to be a mobile laptop.

My last resort is getting a MacBook Pro and installing Windows on it as well. But I would like to try to find another route.

thats not a bad idea, really easy to do also. www.vmware.com , is easy to use.
I could also use bootcamp and parallels. Reason I need both is because I want to start moving to Mac for my music and lesiure, but I still need to be able togo in to PC mode to handle things in PC.

Thanks for the feedback. I might go with the MAC and just be more paitent and knock off a Mac Book Pro. Better resale value as well when dealing with a Maclaptop.
Last Vaio I had was from the SZ series. Ran extremely well for a couple years and the resale value was pretty good because it was a Sony. Currently, I have aLenovo Thinkpad SL300 which is probably the best laptop I've bought (for about $700), but it's obviously not as stylish as a Vaio or Mac.

As a desktop, I have owned a Mac Pro, and even with its' impressive performance, it's still a very overpriced system (obviously).
I go to college for Computer Engineering. Alienware Laptops can crush a Mac any day, its more expensive but worth it.
You can get cheap hardware anywhere. I think at the end of the day what it comes down to is
PC's and Mac's use the same parts for the most part. I would suggest getting a Dell Studio XPS 16 (the new ones have Core i7 processors and are around$1300) or a Studio 17 or 15 they both have Core i7 processors. All three look decent enough.

I'm still waiting for the day when you can build your own laptop....
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

I could also use bootcamp and parallels. Reason I need both is because I want to start moving to Mac for my music and lesiure, but I still need to be able to go in to PC mode to handle things in PC.

Thanks for the feedback. I might go with the MAC and just be more paitent and knock off a Mac Book Pro. Better resale value as well when dealing with a Mac laptop.

I have a macbook pro and I put W-7 on it via bootcamp.

While using the mousepad can be difficult on windows, it's still legit.

If you have the money for it, I'd say go for it. I love it.
I have both wondows and mac based systems. NOTHING compares to a Mac. Windows based computers are faulty. You can have a 4ghz, 1000 fsb, 6 gb ram, quadprocessor, yada, yada, yada and it will not perform or be as stable as a mac os in the end. Your best bet is to spend the extra couple hundrd or so and installwndows 7 using the boot camp utility the mac comes with. There's your best answer.
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