What is the roughest part of life that you had to go through.

Originally Posted by jhobson5

Mine occurred over the few months. I watched cancer take my mother away. She went from a healthy beautiful woman, to she widdled away to nothing. I was lucky/unlucky to be with her the entire 2 weeks before she passed away but she was hopped up on pain killers she didnt know who I was or even where she was at. Everyone said she held on so long to make sure I was going to be ok with out her. This Mothers day is going to be rough without her.

im sorry to hear that bro. i dont know what i'd do if i were in your shoes.

oct to dec of last year, i got lied to by my boss saying there was no work even though everybody else in the company was working (construction). kept calling dude and emailing him but he never responded. dude tells me im too expensive.. i got paid 50 cents more than everybody else
. got in a car accident that was my fault, that cost me 800 because insurance wasn't going to cover it. i felt like a burden to my family because i couldn't help out with bills and such. although i highly appreciated it, it made me feel like a failure having to ask my mom to let me borrow money to eat. especially since i hadn't asked her for anything since i started working.

i was extremely depressed those months, but hid it from people because i didn't want to bother anymore.
When Cancer was taking my father I was 9 and I seen him once in the hospital before he passed. He was hooked up to all these machines with all these tubes in his mouth. He was on so much drugs but he knew I was there, he tried to talk but I couldn't make out what he was saying, I wanted to cry so bad and I teared up and I looked away. I don't know why but I fee; guilty for looking away, even till this day. I guess its because I feel like I never showed my father that I cared for him, I never even got a chance to tell him I love you. Fast forward like a week or two after, I lied to my mom that I wasn't feeling good so I didn't have to go to Saturday school. My mom thought I was sick and didn't take me to see my father at the hospital, she comes home later on that night crying telling me my dad is gone. To this day, the guilt of lying on that day haunts me; I never had a chance to see my father one last time and never had a chance to say goodbye. The 2-3 years after that was a really strange time in my life where I didn't know what was going on and I just became obese and confused. I'm all good now, I just don't lie anymore because of that.
When Cancer was taking my father I was 9 and I seen him once in the hospital before he passed. He was hooked up to all these machines with all these tubes in his mouth. He was on so much drugs but he knew I was there, he tried to talk but I couldn't make out what he was saying, I wanted to cry so bad and I teared up and I looked away. I don't know why but I fee; guilty for looking away, even till this day. I guess its because I feel like I never showed my father that I cared for him, I never even got a chance to tell him I love you. Fast forward like a week or two after, I lied to my mom that I wasn't feeling good so I didn't have to go to Saturday school. My mom thought I was sick and didn't take me to see my father at the hospital, she comes home later on that night crying telling me my dad is gone. To this day, the guilt of lying on that day haunts me; I never had a chance to see my father one last time and never had a chance to say goodbye. The 2-3 years after that was a really strange time in my life where I didn't know what was going on and I just became obese and confused. I'm all good now, I just don't lie anymore because of that.
Also when my cousin passed, which only deepened my drug use.

RIP to everyone that lost someone in this thread.
Also when my cousin passed, which only deepened my drug use.

RIP to everyone that lost someone in this thread.
-Lost My Father in 2003 at the age of 13. was so hard on me

-Right Now, My Girl Left me, Unemployed and ive been having nothing but Physical Problems.
-Lost My Father in 2003 at the age of 13. was so hard on me

-Right Now, My Girl Left me, Unemployed and ive been having nothing but Physical Problems.
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--Right now. Addicted to Xanax.
--Cant sleep or eat without it. Hell, cant function without it.
--The withdrawal is bad too. They say its worse than heroin withdrawal.
Xanax withdrawal is crappy but it's not as physically painful as wd from opiates. The thing about wd from benzos is that you get SUPER anxious during the process. How much are you taking? I used to take several 2 mg bars a day, but now I'm fine with only one bar or even half. I would suggest talking to a doc about alternatives such as Ativan or Klonopin.

- Mine would be getting off drugs as well. Spent almost two years addicted to OCs and other opiates, along with Xanax. It's still a struggle but I'm #winning at the moment.
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--Right now. Addicted to Xanax.
--Cant sleep or eat without it. Hell, cant function without it.
--The withdrawal is bad too. They say its worse than heroin withdrawal.
Xanax withdrawal is crappy but it's not as physically painful as wd from opiates. The thing about wd from benzos is that you get SUPER anxious during the process. How much are you taking? I used to take several 2 mg bars a day, but now I'm fine with only one bar or even half. I would suggest talking to a doc about alternatives such as Ativan or Klonopin.

- Mine would be getting off drugs as well. Spent almost two years addicted to OCs and other opiates, along with Xanax. It's still a struggle but I'm #winning at the moment.
Originally Posted by Law3001

May 2009 - December 09

Absolute worst time in my life. I lost my job, couldn't find another, my girl left me (but came back), I had to drop out of college due to lack a funds, I drove my car to visit friends in LA and it broke down and had to leave it there. When that happened I spent alot of my savings not only getting a plane ticket back, but also in trying to repair the damn thing. Then my roommate flaked out on me and bounced leaving me with a rent that I could not afford when I had a job, now I had to make ends meet with no money coming in. I was heavy into drinking and drugs at this point to try and make it through the day (main reason why my girl left me) . My girl gives me a second chance if I quit all the drinking and drugs, but that win was short lived when I find out that she's pregnant. When she tells her parents, they want nothing to do with me and what her to abort the baby. I was jobless, damn near strung out and a kid on the way.

But honestly the turning point was the baby. I had two options. Either I get my !@@* together and do right by my girl and seed, or I just keep doing what I am doing and lose everything that I hold dear to me (my woman, my future with her, my child). I threw all the bottles out, tossed my !@@* in the garbage and got on my grind.

Now fast forward to now, I'm married to my wife, have a beautiful daughter and have a great job that lets me travel the world and most of all I'm clean and sober.

The only difference between me and some bum on the street is the decision we made at our lowest point in life. Some people let life eat them whole, others take lemons and make lemonade. No matter how bad your life my be, you are the only one that can do something about it.
great story
Originally Posted by Law3001

May 2009 - December 09

Absolute worst time in my life. I lost my job, couldn't find another, my girl left me (but came back), I had to drop out of college due to lack a funds, I drove my car to visit friends in LA and it broke down and had to leave it there. When that happened I spent alot of my savings not only getting a plane ticket back, but also in trying to repair the damn thing. Then my roommate flaked out on me and bounced leaving me with a rent that I could not afford when I had a job, now I had to make ends meet with no money coming in. I was heavy into drinking and drugs at this point to try and make it through the day (main reason why my girl left me) . My girl gives me a second chance if I quit all the drinking and drugs, but that win was short lived when I find out that she's pregnant. When she tells her parents, they want nothing to do with me and what her to abort the baby. I was jobless, damn near strung out and a kid on the way.

But honestly the turning point was the baby. I had two options. Either I get my !@@* together and do right by my girl and seed, or I just keep doing what I am doing and lose everything that I hold dear to me (my woman, my future with her, my child). I threw all the bottles out, tossed my !@@* in the garbage and got on my grind.

Now fast forward to now, I'm married to my wife, have a beautiful daughter and have a great job that lets me travel the world and most of all I'm clean and sober.

The only difference between me and some bum on the street is the decision we made at our lowest point in life. Some people let life eat them whole, others take lemons and make lemonade. No matter how bad your life my be, you are the only one that can do something about it.
great story
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

The past year and a half up till now.

I think im about to lose my job because I messed up pretty bad yesterday. I've always had issues ive had to deal with but lately its been overwhelming to the point that I can't focus.

I need help

Dog you need to take some time off before you lose your job I saw this guy at my job having some issues at home and was bringing it to work and sometimes smell like liquor and they demoted him and I haven't seen him since
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

The past year and a half up till now.

I think im about to lose my job because I messed up pretty bad yesterday. I've always had issues ive had to deal with but lately its been overwhelming to the point that I can't focus.

I need help

Dog you need to take some time off before you lose your job I saw this guy at my job having some issues at home and was bringing it to work and sometimes smell like liquor and they demoted him and I haven't seen him since
Originally Posted by sloanboy

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

The past year and a half up till now.

I think im about to lose my job because I messed up pretty bad yesterday. I've always had issues ive had to deal with but lately its been overwhelming to the point that I can't focus.

I need help

Dog you need to take some time off before you lose your job I saw this guy at my job having some issues at home and was bringing it to work and sometimes smell like liquor and they demoted him and I haven't seen him since

Too late 
Originally Posted by sloanboy

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

The past year and a half up till now.

I think im about to lose my job because I messed up pretty bad yesterday. I've always had issues ive had to deal with but lately its been overwhelming to the point that I can't focus.

I need help

Dog you need to take some time off before you lose your job I saw this guy at my job having some issues at home and was bringing it to work and sometimes smell like liquor and they demoted him and I haven't seen him since

Too late 
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