What is the roughest part of life that you had to go through.

end of 09 to summer 10

lost my job
got in huge fight with father
car almost got repoed
unemployment not enuff for my bills
girl i was in love with 3 year relationship gave up on me smashing other guys etc
all bad

but i look now its a total 360 im good im based
chronic ice smoker. eventually lived on the streets for a year. slept in the park on a towel that i stole. been clean for many years now but those horrible times stay fresh as a reminder of where i came from. 
chronic ice smoker. eventually lived on the streets for a year. slept in the park on a towel that i stole. been clean for many years now but those horrible times stay fresh as a reminder of where i came from. 
The past 2 years, nothing EVER goes right. When something good happens, it just means a lot of terrible +%%@ is about to happen. I think I died and went to hell.
The past 2 years, nothing EVER goes right. When something good happens, it just means a lot of terrible +%%@ is about to happen. I think I died and went to hell.
I havent had too much but I think the next year will really be rough. not financially wise just the idea of growing up and moving out the house and trying to figure out what to do with my life. I cant keep living at home for the rest of my life
I havent had too much but I think the next year will really be rough. not financially wise just the idea of growing up and moving out the house and trying to figure out what to do with my life. I cant keep living at home for the rest of my life
Mine occurred over the few months. I watched cancer take my mother away. She went from a healthy beautiful woman, to she widdled away to nothing. I was lucky/unlucky to be with her the entire 2 weeks before she passed away but she was hopped up on pain killers she didnt know who I was or even where she was at. Everyone said she held on so long to make sure I was going to be ok with out her. This Mothers day is going to be rough without her.
Mine occurred over the few months. I watched cancer take my mother away. She went from a healthy beautiful woman, to she widdled away to nothing. I was lucky/unlucky to be with her the entire 2 weeks before she passed away but she was hopped up on pain killers she didnt know who I was or even where she was at. Everyone said she held on so long to make sure I was going to be ok with out her. This Mothers day is going to be rough without her.
i got kicked out of college back in 2005 (I was already on academic probation)

i was having personal problems and my grades suffered. Wrote a letter to the school explaining my situation and they let me in. I focused on school and I graduated, earning my bachelors degree.

It felt really good when I saw that degree in my hand after the stuff that I've been through.
i got kicked out of college back in 2005 (I was already on academic probation)

i was having personal problems and my grades suffered. Wrote a letter to the school explaining my situation and they let me in. I focused on school and I graduated, earning my bachelors degree.

It felt really good when I saw that degree in my hand after the stuff that I've been through.
Originally Posted by IamMD

how you make a thread and not participate tho?

First you say my threads are pointless now this.Them hating !*# comments are getting old slim.
Originally Posted by IamMD

how you make a thread and not participate tho?

First you say my threads are pointless now this.Them hating !*# comments are getting old slim.
Originally Posted by thebeaner99

When my cousin died in his sleep. We were close. Now my aunt and uncle are a wreck

My younger cuz got killed by his father, beat him in the tub, got sent out of town.Crazy part is he didn't even want to go, and I was 8 at the time, the night it happened I woke up crying and told my moms.
Originally Posted by thebeaner99

When my cousin died in his sleep. We were close. Now my aunt and uncle are a wreck

My younger cuz got killed by his father, beat him in the tub, got sent out of town.Crazy part is he didn't even want to go, and I was 8 at the time, the night it happened I woke up crying and told my moms.
i feel everyone that lost someone i lost my mom as well @ 9 years old closest person to me and to this day still remember it like it was yesterday. It was a horrible car accident after dropping me off @ school on day and that was almost 21 years ago. It never goes away or gets easier @ least not to me.
i feel everyone that lost someone i lost my mom as well @ 9 years old closest person to me and to this day still remember it like it was yesterday. It was a horrible car accident after dropping me off @ school on day and that was almost 21 years ago. It never goes away or gets easier @ least not to me.
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