What Is The Strongest Opinion You Hold??????

If a man wears thong sandals, and he's not near any kind of water, he's suspect and/or can't be trusted.
My girl loved that Ali Wong special, I didn't get it but she's Asian tho so I guess she can relate.
There's no heaven or hell 

I'm the most important person in the universe in my life 

You're pathetic if you eat meat or dairy 

Humans should stop slaughtering animals and go on a plant based diet or transition to a super meat style lifestyle 

Da Vinci is greater than Jesus 

Evolution and Creationism are both false 
Being nice, friendly, personable, and treating people with respect will get you a lot further in life than not. I think being that kind of person gets you more out of both your personal and professional lives.
What do u think should happen to murderers
They should be tortured according to the victim's age or life expectancy depending on the circumstance of the murder and age of the victim. Ex:

You murder a 40 yr old, you get tortured for 40 years and ain't no easy outs.like dying from it. You will be kept alive and the torture will gradually ebb and flow.according to intensity.

You murder an 8 yr old, you tortured for the next 80 years viciously.
I wish they put all child molesters on a child molester island with no supplies and just let them kill each other off or die from starvation or whatever. Same with rapists. You can't cure that stuff, I wish them all a slow death.

For real. I say castrate them or better yet a bullet to the head. A bullet is cheaper than housing these sick twisted *****
What about people that have been wrongfully accused? I mean our prisons are filled with people who have been wrongfully accused of crimes, can you live with a law that calls for castration or death for people convicted of crimes?

Child molestation? Ya i dont think id lose any sleep over that.

Rapists maybe...i get where u coming from cuz sometimes women lie. But chesters should get lined up infront of the firing squad

This commercial is garbage 

Especially the beginning every time i see it 

Fat acceptance is so crazy to me
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You didn't get my question, trust me I'd torture child molesters myself if they let me and take pleasure in it. My issue with torture and death as punishment is my distrust for our justice system. :lol:

Oh u meant torture/death as a whole. My bad. I think for certain crimes id be ok with it but also on the circumstances. For example if a couple guys break into a home and no ones home or the home owners dont realize and no one was hurt then lock em up. If same scenario but they hurt the home owners (esp kids or elderly) then not only lock em up but torture em as well

But **** like child molestation naaaah u gonna wish u were dead
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This commercial is garbage 

Especially the beginning every time i see it 

Fat acceptance is so crazy to me

4 seconds in and I immediately said yes.


Eye Wood Doe.
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All y'all in here advocating for torture of criminals...

Y'all acting like false accusations don't exist 

That puts us right back on some Salem Witch Trial ****.
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