What is YOUR favorite Denzel movie of all time??

i love Remember the Titans, John Q, The Hurricane, Inside Man, hasnt been a movie with Denzel that I hated
All great movies...


it was until i saw all these movies did i remember all the great films he stared in...ill go with training day just cause i just recently saw it. but i love all of them
Just watched remember the titans, but favorite has to be between training day and man on fire
American Gangster

I turned Man on Fire off after the first 10 minutes.. i was messing w a broad, didn't know whats going on, said "this movie sucks" and ive only heard ever since awesome reviews on it.
his acting is so on point its really hard to choose. just about everything i've seen from glory to book of eli i cosign with. fav tho id say....Training Day/John Q.

I've never watched He Got Game
The Preacher's Wife.

I bought Training Day, and I kept waiting for his good-guy image to show up. It never did. That movie freaked me out so bad that I took it home and gave it to my dad.
Originally Posted by SShanique

The Preacher's Wife.

I bought Training Day, and I kept waiting for his good-guy image to show up. It never did. That movie freaked me out so bad that I took it home and gave it to my dad.
u got em on dvd? or u still watch VHS tapes?
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