What is YOUR favorite Denzel movie of all time??

Originally Posted by 18key

Y'All think you could do this to me?!  

My dude Denzel portrayed Zo' to a tee.  
Originally Posted by SShanique

The Preacher's Wife.

I bought Training Day, and I kept waiting for his good-guy image to show up. It never did. That movie freaked me out so bad that I took it home and gave it to my dad.

At the moment id say training day, but thats cause ive watched it like 5 times in the past 2 weeks cause its been on all the time now. Id have to rewatch a bunch of them to say which is my favorite of all. Virtuosity was just on last night, havent seen that in a long time. Didnt even realize russel crowe was in it.
I don't know if I would consider it a "Denzel Movie" but Glory is up there, followed by Hurricane Carter.
Book of eli .. hands down best denzel movie of all time.. give this man some awards please ...
I think I like all his movies. I can sit and watch a whole collection of just his movies all day.
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