What kind of milk do you buy?

I hate when people refer to Whole Milk as Vitamin D milk as if the other types of Milk are Vitamin D Deficient.
I used to always drink 2%, but the past year or more I've either been drinking skim or sometimes 1% if skim isn't available. Organic Valley or thelocal Organic kind. Yummy stuff.

2% is good when you first open it, and it has the cream on top, now that is true milk. Again, that's usually only with the Organic variety.
Originally Posted by Food4Thgt

this thread made me want some oatmeal..

do you put raisins and brown sugar in there ?? never heard of putting either in till i came to iowa
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

I always wondered...

Is coconut milk just from coconuts? Or is cow milk added?

I'm not getting a straight answer from Google.

it is only from coconuts

and people don't drink that they use it for cooking
I work in a kitchen, and it comes boxed as Vitamin D milk by land-o-lakes. Personally, I only do 1% ... Its perfect.
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