What kind of milk do you buy?

I pretty much only eat it with my cereal if theres no 2% in the crib.

I help take care of 5 little cousins, so the milk gets dogged pretty quick when they come after school.

I get the Silk as like a kiddy deterent cause there's no way they're ever gonna touch it.

I ain't worried about stuff like that though, in these times people say EVERYTHING is bad for you. Meh.
Whole milk for me.

Skim milk for hubby.

Goats, soy or rice milk for the kids.

Lactose intolerant. Soy milk is just as bad for me as real milk.

Rice milk is delicious, with no side effects.

Still need to try almond milk though
Really even with the whole raising estrogen levels in men thing?
It's amazing how easily people buy into this.

If you're worried about estrogen, what the heck do you think cow's milk contains? We're talking about a plant-based chemical far weaker than humanhormones (an estrogen-like compound) versus actual estrogen.

If estrogen has you shook... perhaps drinking milk from a pregnant cow isn't such a great idea. There are phytoestrogens in beer and coffee, too, by theway - just in lower concentrations.

Soy milk isn't going to make you sterile or cause you to grow breasts, especially when you're dealing with 1-2 servings per day of whole soy foods liketofu and soy milk. Soy has been eaten for centuries in many societies, especially fermented soy products, and it's not like they're experiencing massinfertility in China, for example.

Compare the health RISKS of cow's milk with the risk associated with consuming modest amounts of soy. It's not even close.

Personally, I prefer Eden Soy. Silk has a number of issues, summarized here: http://www.cornucopia.org/soysurvey/soy_profiles/FarmID_52.html If you'reconsidering soy milk, it pays to compare. Many are processed using hexane, for example, and are produced using toxic pesticides and genetically modifiedsoybeans. This study offers a quick comparison: http://www.cornucopia.org/soysurvey/

With that said, I don't take soy milk with my protein supplements and I avoid soy protein isolates. For a protein smoothie, I prefer hemp seed protein orpea protein blended with fruit. If you're looking for a milk substitute, though, I'd certainly take a good soy milk over cow's milk any day.

not a fan of whole milk..ive been drinking skim forever so i dont even like the taste of whole unless im eating cereal
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