What movie did you think was the best/ favorite for yourself? Avengers v. TDKR

i'm a huge batman fan and i was disappointed in TKDR... not even an Avengers/Marvel fan, but "The Avengers" was more entertaining
What'd you guys like better; Robocop or Wall-E?
Did it ever occur to you that TDKR and Avengers are both superhero movies?  I understand that both movies have their differences, but they both released over summer and they share similar genres, so of course people are gonna compare them.

As for the OP, I'd have to go with TDKR.  Avengers was good, but TDKR was a notch above it.  Avengers didn't pull me in like TDKR did.  The world that Nolan creates gives it that edge.  I will say this though, TDKR fell a little short of my expectations and Avengers surpassed them...
Did it ever occur to you that TDKR and Avengers are both superhero movies?  I understand that both movies have their differences, but they both released over summer and they share similar genres, so of course people are gonna compare them.

Robocop and Wall-E are both robot movies.

Why are you being so mean to me?
Avengers...TDKR wasnt even the best 1 in the series..the last 1 with the Joker was....

You could have just said the The Dark Knight. Im 99% sure everyone would have known what your talking about. Its a top 50 film of all time, let alone superhero movie. So of course it's going to overshadow TDKR. The Avengers was so smothered with corny comedic quips and dragged out dialogue I couldn't wait for it to end.
Avengers sucked. And as a stan, Id prefer Marvel over anything DC on any day. Avengers was just bad
TDKR had a mixture of everything. Emotional, romance, psychological, suspense, thriller, action, humor, twists, sex, you name it. My type of movie.
God forbid you say anything wrong about tdkr...

Movie was awful...still haven't seen The Avengers yet, but I'll be checking for it on blu-ray...
You can't and shouldn't compare the two.
Yes they're both "superhero" movies but they're nothing alike baby paw.
Agreed. Apples and oranges, but the fact that both movies were outstanding and we're even having this conversation means that as fans we're all winners here.  I loved both films.  As a superhero fan, The Avengers is already one of my all-time favorite movies while The Dark Knight is my favorite trilogy of all-time.  It's been a great summer.
Tdkr...movie was too dope...Heath had the best performance outta the 3 movies but tdkr was the best
Can't lie, I was on the edge of my seat for the whole TDKR movie. Avengers was great but it wasn't Dark Knight great.
I think the fact that Batman is a comic super hero is underminding that fact that TDKR is a flat out good movie.

Like someone said in the official thread. This is apples and oranges. The Avengers was a campy summertime seat filler. The Batman movies are just straight up good movies. I don't even like the character Batman, but I faux with the movies because I know it was going to be a good movie.

I hope Marvel and everyone else notices how these movies have raised the bar for superhero movies. They all have to be campy, action packed Bay-esque movies.
I watched the avengers and it was entertaining while I watched it that's all, I soon forgot about it. TDKR pulled me in the story and still left me wanting more, to me the trilogy are more than just movies.
I'm not sure if I would go as far to describe The Avengers as campy.  It was definitely more "comic book" compared to the more realistic Batman movies.  Campy makes me think of the old Fantastic Four films.  Too cheese ball to be taken seriously.  The Dark Knight series is definitely groundbreaking for how it was able to take a superhero story and give it some realistic depth, but to say that Marvel should take notes is a bit of a stretch.  I'm not sure how you can take an alien army, demi-god, billionaire in high-tech armor, giant green monster, and a guy wearing stars and stripes and make it realistic.  
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