What movie did you think was the best/ favorite for yourself? Avengers v. TDKR

The second half of Avengers is entertaining as hell, but it's a summer popcorn movie at heart. It's if Transformers 3 was well casted, written, directed and acted.

I think I even like the Avengers more, but that ehhhh first half is enough to push it towards TDKR for me.

The Dark Knight Rises just has more meat on it's bones. For all it's flaws, there are a lot of profound themes and metaphors writ large on display. Plus Anne Hathaway's performance is stronger than anyone's in The Avengers to me...and if only try and catch every word Bane says, I know I'll end up watching TDKR more.
I'm a huge Batman fan..with that said The Avengers is more entertaining. Story wise TDKR wins though. I don't see myself watching TDKR a lot when it drops on DVD unlike TDK which gets play at least once a month.
I'm a huge Batman fan..with that said The Avengers is more entertaining. Story wise TDKR wins though. I don't see myself watching TDKR a lot when it drops on DVD unlike TDK which gets play at least once a month.

Is that a hyperbole or were you being series?!?! I admit that I have watched TDK seven times from start to completion, but once a month is OD!!
Is that a hyperbole or were you being series?!?! I admit that I have watched TDK seven times from start to completion, but once a month is OD!!

:lol: Exaggerating a slight bit but I usually watch a movie or two after I get home from work. It's a solid movie that provides constant entertainment. There are some lulls in TDKR.
I got so bored watching avengers I started bothering my girl.
Some of y'all need to put that crack pipe down, TDKR was better all around from beginning to end. I'm Saying this mostly out of spite because I'm salty that I wasted 12 dollars on tickets that I feel asleep in.
I've seen both multiple times and The Dark Knight Rises was the best by far. I really don't even understand the comparison honestly, TDKR was significantly better.
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