What movie did you think was the best/ favorite for yourself? Avengers v. TDKR

i nejoyed TDKR much more than the avengers.
avengers was a fun movie, but FOR ME, there is no replay value. i can watch the batman trilogy times and times over.

Exactly. No replay value. Just a cool action movie that will be forgotten about a few weeks after you watch it. TDKR will make you think and takes multiple watches to make sure you grasp everything you missed the first time around
I enjoyed both.

However, TDKR didn't even feel like it was 3 hours long. That's how good it was.
Bane was the NICEST with the hands
i bodied him tho
But IronMan sacrificed himself not knowing if he'd make it out.  Brucey just wanted to evade taxes, give Alfred his inheritance, and marry a criminal.
I enjoyed both films. Although, I felt The Avengers was my favorite. Simply due to the fact that there hasn't been a movie with all those super-heroes at the same time. TDKR was great in itself. Had a solid plot and concluded to Nolan's story of Batman...Yet, it felt kind of long and I was upset how Bane was killed in the film. 
I liked tdr better. An hour and 12 minutes into the avengers I was really bored, but after that it was actually watchable.
I can't compare the two because TDKR was the final piece and a masterstroke of a trilogy. Avengers was just an intro and had a lot to accomplish by selling the team idea to the viewers. Avengers pulled it off, but the story obviously took a back seat to setting the stage for what's to come in that universe. That would be like comparing a 40 yard dash to the last 40 yards of a 200 meter race. One is fresh out of the blocks and another has had time to build up to full steam.

That said TDKR was obviously the better movie, but I still have high hopes for the next Avengers movies.
I think TDKR was the better movie but i enjoyed The Avengers more
tho i think in the Nolan trilogy 2>3>1
If you're into action, Avengers.
If you want a story, TDKR.

I really can't put one over the other, considering as to how I went to see the Avengers for action, and TDKR for its plot.

i bodied him tho

Nah baby paw. You were about to catch the fade... Catwoman saved you.

Don't front :lol:
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TDKR -still need to wait until it comes to DVD though so I can try to figure out what Bane was saying 
Both movies made my Summer. Both movies were good in their own way. Avengers was more about entertaining and fulfilling every comic geek/fan-boy's fantasy. TDKR continued the it's awesome story-line and dark side of a superhero series

and closed it the same way.....or so we thought.......

Avengers met the hype for me. But the entire Nolan Batman trilogy was amazing. I was a big fan of the last movie and how they ended it. I wasn't one of those extremely needy TDKR watchers that needed every single 'plot hole' filled, therefore TDKR didn't lose any points for me.

TDKR >>> Avengers
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both movies satisfied my geekness but if I have to choose Im going to have to go with The Avengers but its by the slimmest margin you can ever think of :lol:
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