What movie have you watched the most times in your life?

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Booty Call

it's b/t

Paid in Full
Coming to America
House Party

I've seen them all hundreds of times.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

The Matrix
Either that or, as embarrassing as this is to admit, Grease.

My family would always go visit this family friend, and Grease was literally the only movie she had at her house.

We'd be so bored that that's all we'd watch.
Easily its Belly for me. I went through a phase when I watched that movie everyday for three months. I still watch it every now and then.
Ive never seen any movie more than 10 times, if that.

But I'd probably say Space Jam.
Probably Terminator 2. It was one of the few movies we had on VHS when I was growing up.
The answer to that is Pulp Fiction. that is odd about it is that I am not a huge Tarantino fan, I have only seen his other movies at most three or fourtimes.

Pulp Fiction though is Post Modern Prose Poetry. It is worthy of watching many, many, many times because in addition to all of the small things slipped intothe film and the desire to make sense of the chronological order of the story, there are so many subtleties of character, dialogue and other parts of finestory telling, which are worthy of reexamination which begets even more reexamination.

On top of its artistic merits is that fact that if you are going to be one to recite, verbatim, line after line of dialogue fro ma movie, it is better (from anintellectual stand point and in the eyes of most girls) to have those lines at least not be a Will Farrel movie or any comedy or "guy movie" (anyaction movie, all Sports movies, most comedies Star Wars, the Matrix, Scarface and Fast and the Furious).

Coming in distant second through tenth is He Got Game, Training Day, Def Jam's How To Be a Playa and House Party and Boyz In The 'Hood and The FirstTwo Fridays and Malcolm X and Philadelphia. Basically after Pulp Fiction my taste in movies is very black I guess.

Denzel Washington is a great actor and things that have to do with the 'hood are intriguing to some who is not from there and generally I like 'hoodcomedies way more than I like most white comedy movies (although Judd Aptow movies and Micheal Cera and Seth Rogan are pulling me back to the types of moviesthat peopel in my community tend to like). The plot lines that usually unfold in a single day or over a short period of time are very clever IMO and the wholeidea of a neighborhood with people always out and about, people on porches, every one having a reputation (the crack head, the pimp, the gang banger and thegood guys like the business owner, the teacher, the deep/educated brother and of course big mama) and most people having a nick name is a very cool world (however much of it is real and how much of it is imagined or embellished does not matter when it comes to movies).

Throw in the fact that I have always liked hip hop, basketball, black history, black culture, the dozens/roast humor and people who have swagger and aninclination towards public speaking (particularly true for Malcolm X and Philadelphia). Plus I always love the chraacter of the strong, calm, cool collectedand unambiguosly or nearly unambiguosly good black guy is a charcter that I like (the same goes for most of the roles for Morgan Freedman and especially forMorpheus in the Matrix). Furius Styles and and Denzel Washington's Lawyer character in Philadelphia are examples of that.

With that in mind, I would love a biopic about the ultimate educated, extremely articulate, deep, intellectual, tough but fair and clearly working for goodblack guy, Thomas Sowell. The man was born in the South in 1930, he grew up in Harlem in the1940's and had to leave his home as a teenager, he was in the marines in the early 50's and he finished his PhD by the end of the 60's and hastaught and researched History, Race, Social Justice, Economics, Law, Public Policy, Immigration, Sociology and even Autism. He is the most accomplishedintellectual alive today and he seriously needs a Malcolm X style biopic, there is no doubt about that.
Originally Posted by MrsLight

Dazed and Confused
This and Jurassic Park, probably. And I'm only considering sitting down and watching a movie all the way through, with the intent of watchingit. I've seen Independence Day probably a thousand times in parts, but have only sat down to watch it a few times.
SNATCH, i just kept it on repeat while doin my homework over the yrs. seen it at least 100 times minimum
Terminator 2
Star Wars saga
Pulp Fiction
Batman Returns&Batman(1989)
Bad Boys 1
Independence day

and on TV probably something like Forrest Gump since it's always on lol

Coming in distant second through tenth is He Got Game, Training Day, Def Jam's How To Be a Playa and House Party and Boyz In The 'Hood and The First Two Fridays and Malcolm X and Philadelphia. Basically after Pulp Fiction my taste in movies is very black I guess.


and you have how to be a player! that movie was straight comedy, i actually own that DVD too lol
I've seen Class Act more than any of the House Party movies though

Cop and a half
This movie was on Showtime a few months ago i believe and it took me back, I used to love this movie!
Watching it as an adult though is funny, wonder what that kid is up to now."I'm you're worst nightmare, an 8 year old with a badge"
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