What movie is the most influential on your life?

Also HE GOT GAME but couldn't find the scene I wanted.  There's many more but these are the ones that came to mind.
No, simba and mufasa, idc where the story came from

It was the lion cartoon characters that really made the impact, thus changing my life forever.
#hakunamattata :lol:
Seriously tho, when I was little I would call myself simba when people asked my name :x I know this movie word for word lol

If you havent seen the play yet, you absolutely have to go see it.
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Taught me to never f--- w/o a rubber



RIP to Harold Hunter
don't forget Justin Pierce
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I don't know if it's the most influential, but the movie Gattaca was really inspiring to me
yo, the story of how Sylvester Stallone got Rocky produced was incredibly inspirational to me.  Dude put everything on the line to get his movie made

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Good morning, good evening and good night!

First film to get me thinking outside the box.
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The pursuit of happiness...
"Never let anyone tell you, you can't do something..You got a dream? You gotta protect it."
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