What % of folks here on NT do you think are full of $%%@ ????

Originally Posted by Q46totheE

L2L aka _____ is good people...don't know why or how his rep got bad w. some of yall.
The only thing that bugs me is his undying love for Audi. They really aren't that great...
Originally Posted by myhandstank

Tell the truth 85% of y'all _ ain't living right, its so much hate on this board it makes me sick

L2L- he seem like a cool dude but he always trying to talk down on people like he better than them plus this negro in every high fashion or jewelery thread, but never cop nuttin

These next group of people most live a bad life cause they always salty

Phil ******o- hater

Lazy B- hater


Nydenimseller-herb to the third power

Cashmere- just because when he post the little "posted on iphone" ++#* pop up other than that he good

Joe camel- herb

M16-needs to commit that asap

Lucky- _ got them ming dynasty feet

Lazy B- leader of the herbz

Other than that everybody good money


What's good homie?
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Originally Posted by dreClark

DoubleJs is full of +*+!.

Yeah I said it.
Ol' tony gonzalez/marco battaglia/craig david in the face lookin' %!*$!


can't stand him.

And he the only dude I know w/ Purple Label workout gear.

Son be rocking silk screened undervarmour and %%$@


I hate that dude

Well I hate Dre cause he's the only dude to go 23,000+ posts without being banned (mods don't count).

Ole goody two shoes, eagle scout leadin' mother %%%+**

Word, Ol bring an apple for the teacher on the 1st day of school lookin +@*


FreshizBack / KnicksFreshKnicks

Ole' tight nuthugger jean wearin' *$$ ++$%+...

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Reverse swag list in the making:
-Lucky Luchiano
-jphonix (Nike Forum)
-manamazing (S and T heads know)

I'm just getting warmed up.
Keep going

off top : Joseph Camel jr, and thousandaire

i'd also like to add every dude on here with a gimmick SN
yeah joe camel is such a liar i hate him
Never said a liar, you're just an elitist prick who posts like he's a king among peasants, word to my sig
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I don't mean to play LAWYER, but no he doesn't.. If you can't relate, that's one thing.. But if JCJ has certain experiences (whether it be traveling, played around with exotic cars or helped build a village in some foreign country) does that mean he can't share? I guess because your average person can't do it makes him seem like an elitist, but c'mon.. Don't be mad, go do something with your life[/color]

you must not know who i am...cue the last " post your stacks thread" and retract your statement Mr. Bateman
Sorry but this thread is pathetic. Just seems like it's one competition to see whose "E-fame" is larger than the next.
Originally Posted by JoeyD16

Sorry but this thread is pathetic. Just seems like it's one competition to see whose "E-fame" is larger than the next.

tell me about it... i come on here to see peoples opinions on diffenrent topics, plus im bored at work...but dudes in here take it to the next lvl....postingfake storys about child molestations...or how dudes are pissed at girl cus she dont give them none. but dont take what i said up the buts im just stating myopinion.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by Q46totheE

L2L aka _____ is good people...don't know why or how his rep got bad w. some of yall.
The only thing that bugs me is his undying love for Audi. They really aren't that great...

: lol its the lights....
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by myhandstank

Lazy B- hater



What's good homie?


see the thing is, clowns like myhandstank doesn't know the difference between hate and hate.

hate = jealousy, envy

hate = i dont like you, go play in traffic.
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