at these responses

wish i could give you advice, but i wouldnt know what else to do other than to brush it off.

are you the same dude who made a thread about having cancer?
Originally Posted by Based Mod

at these responses

wish i could give you advice, but i wouldnt know what else to do other than to brush it off.

are you the same dude who made a thread about having cancer?

Been brushing it off for YEARS. I know if I step to him he's gonna start something. I already know my mom, brother and sister will side with him and say it was for HIS self-defense. And like I said I already have a criminal history. I'm trying to be a high school math teacher, dammit. And yup, that was me.
like the other guy said wait until its just you two home and whoop his %%+

tbh if he laid hands on my mom id be in jail
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

he beat ur moms up and ur still scared to stomp him...

I ain't scared.
I just don't want to go to prison and have my life ruined. I want to kill him and run off sometimes though.
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

Originally Posted by Executive76

Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

I have a disability that stops me from working.
What's your disability? 
Paranoid schizophrenia. Word to Ronnie from the Kray twins.
In that case, maybe there is no stepdad, maybe your evil stepdad is you.

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Are you on meds? Seeing any doctors? Is an attorney handling your claim?

I'm on meds. I'm seeing a psychiatrist and a doctor. My claim was denied but I went to the hearing (which was judged fully favorable) alone. I have a question for you, on my denial letter it states "If at any time in the future you think you qualify for payment, please contact us immediately about filing a new application. The earliest month for which we can pay you is the month after you file a new claim." Doesn't this mean that I won't get back pay? It clearly states so, but I thought we get back pay from the time the first application was filed?
Yeah dont kill him. You have business to take care of but get somebody else to tend to him. Seriously.
Your childhood seemed pretty troubling

When were you diagnosed with Schizophrenia?

Please dont kill him, reading the whole thread I dont think I should have said that 
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

he beat ur moms up and ur still scared to stomp him...

I ain't scared.
I just don't want to go to prison and have my life ruined. I want to kill him and run off sometimes though.
dudes in this thread dont even read
Just stomp him and just say he provoked you and you freaked because of your disability. problem solved

Signs and symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia may include:

Auditory hallucinations, such as hearing voices
Delusions, such as believing a co-worker wants to poison you
Emotional distance
Self-important or condescending manner
Suicidal thoughts and behavior
Originally Posted by cap187

get somebody else to tend to him. Seriously.

This is what I was getting at when I asked you did you know anyone OP.
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